
I watch a tonne of shit, a lot of reality tv and shitty soapy nonsense but this is THE show for me and I have no one I know to talk to about it. I must convince my brother to try again because it gets so so good.

I strongly strongly think they need to get this episode to the voters of the Golden Globes and Emmys because Holly Taylor has been superb all season and NAILED IT this episode.

Spend time setting it up, get excited, realise Subbuteo is basically impossible to play, put it away, play terrible MSDOS game instead. This was my childhood.

Once again Joseph Finn and I have only 1 team member difference. I wonder if like 2 seasons ago it will lead to equal scores.

That is a very fair point. I will just say I do feel that Vince being a massive fucking weirdo would be the best enemy to leave around, in that he'd less likely to be believed.

I did find it interesting he went after Jenn the one who scorned him not Joe the guy he seemed to hate oh so much. And by interesting I mean classically misogynistic and completely expected.

Making this joke every week? If so I'll be here to upvote…

Exactly so tribe cohesion is less of a concern than in a two tribe game.

I dunno how long can original tribes last in a 6 person 3 tribe game? In a normal 10 man tribe it's more important. I'd always go athleticism as the generic first vote out (except that I am 5"1 as strong as a small child and can't swim for crap). Vince was not a risk at all to win this game but can help the tribe win

I do love a player who goes really early and says "It's good for them they got rid of me, I would have got them all". We'd all believe you more if you'd managed to survive a single Tribal.

Maybe he actually got to "who would I rather be here, Jenn or Vince?" I mean it's not the right question but they are no collar after all.

So dumb. That is not how maths works.

In other news I have literally no idea who I have in the pick 4. But I know it wasn't Vince.

They aren't. She was married to Antonio Banderas until a few years ago and he is married to a teacher.



I literally thought when they were running in "there is one Asian, bet she's going to be the date for the Black guy".

Dude, I literally use my dad's death to make my friends be nice to me. I know it's my trump card. It also has an expiry date, because soon it'll be like "bitch that was 5 years ago".

The best game doesn't start too early. Also never starts with being in a position of power.

She needed to go to the others the moment Joaquin's back was turned and say "I wanted the good food box but he wouldn't let me at all, so in the end I had to cave or we'd get nothing".