
Yeah, the sign on a show that is just ok is when the second season starts and you miss episode 1 and then just let it slide.


I watched it on tv about a month ago and still really enjoyed it. But I had enjoyed it the first time.

I haven't been able to watch anything by Pegg and Frost since Shaun, probably because my real allegiance is to Edgar Wright no his stars and everything they've done without him has plain sucked.
I agree with you on Chuck too, I tried, it sounds like I should love it but I just didn't.

Sometimes you just gotta enjoy and respect an actor's work even when you disagree with their politics. Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist, which I find abhorrent, but she is still one of my favourite tv actresses.

Isn't the point that even after the new agency the Sterling on the name was never Roger but his father. Doesn't Cooper explicitly say that in Season 1?

Sally often echoes sentiments she knows her mother disapproves of with no thought, but respects her father, so his disapproval is more important.

What killed me was Peggy's "she does care, that's why she's moving". I've loved Julio and Peggy's friendship this season, so subtle but so meaningful, that whole scene was just so good.

honesty is such a nice change on internet comment boards, so I will admit I had only sort of knew because I'd googled the distance between where Elizabeth was raised and where Philip was, finding it interesting that the writers picked cities so far apart (making more of a point of their original foreignness to each

"his mom wound up in the back of Siberia" totally better threat if Philip himself weren't born and raised in Tobolsk, which is in (historical) Siberia… My guess knowing Philip is he snapped and beat the shit out of the kid.

You mean Siberia?

Which two? out of interest.

Keri Russell deserves an Emmy nom too, she is putting in the most complicated performance of any actress on tv right now. Rhys and Emmerich are both superb as well.

I realised the killer would be Jared when there had been no leads into who the killer was because I knew it would have to be wrapped up in the finale, otherwise it was all great for me.

This is the best show I'm watching by a mile. It's the best drama I've watched in a very long time and I'm now of the opinion that they deserve every Emmy.

It's a living I guess.

Did he? ok so my memory has gone completely now.

Hell no! First time 17th out of 77? That is boss. I'll get em next time when I better understand the rules.

I maintain I should be above Dr Horrible as my 2nd to last player lasted longer but as we became best friends when our scored became linked I'm ok with it. Top 20 is fine by me.

I was like "Wait! no way Spencer has a girlfriend, oh, oh, yeah they have the same face, must be his sister". Does it surprise you that Spencer has an annoying sister considering how irritating he is?