
I thought she had a chance because Tony and Woo straight suck at puzzles and Spencer isn't Fishbach level of puzzle solving at all.

The only people who have a right to say their easy ride to the final two was screwed by kass were tasha and Spencer and both managed to get deep in the game as underdogs.

JT. It was the same as this, Stephen could have taken Erin and won but stayed loyal to his friend and lost.
EDIT: I have been told I have this wrong. Apologies.

But those are manly emotions, frustration and triumph, not stupid female emotions like love or sympathy.

It's the same with Stan, he's the FBI man but I almost always root for Nina and the Jenningses to win the day. Larrick has more of a grey area feel for me because of the Death Squad stuff. I suppose it's all a fair bit easier because I grew up in the UK and my family were communist party members so I am obviously not

It's not just the Americans though, the polar vortex is obvious in a few shows in fact I can remember 2 or 3 times where I thought "shit, it's a shame about the polar vortex because there shouldn't be snow still". The worst affected have been Chicago Fire and Chicago PD, as everything was shot in Chicago.

Yeah but if he doesn't have to play it this time (because it's played after the results) he could do that anyway… I just think bluffing a Kass and Spencer won't work (they are both smart after all) and banking on it over saving your biggest ally is a dumb dumb move.

I'm a young single professional who lives with 1 roommate, I get pizza delivered for just me all the fucking time, I just eat it for dinner two nights running. Jeff Probst probably doesn't get delivery he phones his personal chef to make him a pizza. Dickhead.

This has been the most enjoyable season of Survivor for a while for me, partially because i wasn't involved on this board last time and partially because it's had a wider edit and fewer spoilers.

No they'd never have edit around a big vote like that. I think Tony didn't think it through.

You don't have to watch it live, watch on delishows later or a website like that when you've got a free hour.

I think Spencer at least knows Tony is a threat but he's sure if he's against Woo and Kass he's won it. Where as Tony and Kass know if they hit F3 they've won it.

He was thinking of loyalty. WAS being the word. Even beautiful, martial arts, airhead Woo must actually do some thinking at final 3.
Also another reason it was dumb for Tony, if he goes to final 4 with Trish it's a lock at 2/2, trish would never turn on Tony which gives him the opportunity to possibly turn on her or

So still dumb then because with Trish in he only has to get Woo or Spencer not both and Woo and Spencer probably couldn't get Trish so he's not in a position where the 3 would go against him.

That is a really really weird thing because Woo must think on some level that Tony is a jury threat, being as he has been in control…

You gunna have your computer and free internet access? If so stream it.

that is why I think he wins. Because he's been shown saying a lot of things in confessionals and then someone else makes it happen. Which says to me, he won but they can't find any film of him actually doing any of the strategic stuff he talks about or will claim at F3.

Ok, I went back and watched that again. I am even more confused by this…

She made the right call telling Woo straight away, if only for us to see Tony's petulant toddler tantrum at the fact that someone might not keep what he's saying a secret. He is clearly delusional enough to think he is the only one on Survivor everyone should respect.

OK, so both idols had to played by this Tribal right? so why didn't Tony give Trish his normal idol for her to play, keeping the TP idol to use if the votes went to him? Seriously, is he that dumb not the realise that if Trish is taken out he loses control?
EDIT: I did not see him voting for her! Why the fuckedy fuck