
I like to think he's unconscious because Simmons had to smash him on the head to pull him out with her…
One of my problems with the scene was it would have been extremely difficult for Simmons to get out of the window (even more so pulling Fitz) against the water rushing in. Realistically they would have needed to wait

Am I the only one who is pro-Tripp. He's such a hotty.

I think her interpersonal skills are lacking and she would have done a good job of offending people in other ways plus it's pretty obvious even with a neutral crowd she'd do badly when she has to do the tribal speech.

I forgot about that! I guess I'm just cynical and believe all idols are placed in areas the producers know the contestants they want to find them tend to go.

Yeah but if Kass wins immunity then the choices of the alliance are themselves. Why would Tony axe loyal Woo or Trish for Spencer?

Considering how late it was found in such an obvious place I assumed it wasn't put in til later, after the point my alternative history had him gone but there is a chance the producers would have set it out for him earlier.

Basic Lupine Urology is deffo a top ten episode for me, but I do know it's popularity depends on having watched enough Law & Order to find it spot on.

I'm a big fan of Britta's random pizza delivery fiance…

He hasn't done anything but if the jury are out for Tony and want to find someone to vote for he's the one.

As if, it will be Ryan murphy's next show…

I found the blonde hair particularly annoying, washed her out quite a bit.

Maybe not, to be fair to her she's insane and a horrible person but she has been loyal since first post merge tribal.

Then it's an easy vote to oust Spencer. Nothing a jury loves more than a player who manages to make to final tribal as a member of a minority alliance.

Let's play alternative history. Had Kass not slipped what would the season look like?
The only points I can nail are this:
-Tasha would not be viewed as a dominating challenge player as she wouldn't have had to play hard
-Tony would be gone pre-finding an idol
-Kass would still be taken to final 3 as the goat.

I am currently unemployed because my last employers undermined me to a point I've forgotten if I'm good at anything (oh by the way, I never lost an election, which you'd think would be 3 in 3 years but due to special elections is actually in the region of 15).
Most people think the public would be the worst part of

I'd be offended but anyone who is willing to call a stranger a fussy little bitch on the internet voids whatever moronic statement they made.

Kass not flipped on Sarah day 1 of the merge then this final 5 would be Kass, Tasha, Alexis, Jeremiah and Morgan. Because I think Tasha and Spencer would have run through the opposing alliance without blindsides until eventually tasha uses a social game to remove Spencer.

She'll find it very tough to win a returning players game because people will know she's a total package player but as usually they bring back no players I actually like I'm feeling happy.

Definitely. They just need to give us a bit more of her in the edit.

At least we have the possibility of Tasha as a returning player.