
I am now completely team Woo. If Tony is smart he won't take Woo to final 3 because he's so likeable.

Well, it's an impression and an impression of the accent I share with Adele, it's minorly insulting to see it be done so badly.

Spectacular? Her accent was a complete joke. She just laughed so as not to have to say anything!

For similar unlying racism as why they are edited poorly.

I think she's gunna die.

If she was a Sloane Ranger she'd have said "Yah". To be fair Maslany's accent dropped repetitively when Sarah whispered to Kira.

DEAL. *secret handshake*

I found this quote from a St Louis website: “I ran collegiate track; I play softball, volleyball, golf, shoot skeet, just about every sport,”

I think she is the only player who genuinely could have been in any of the three starting tribes.

Your dream is my dream buddy!

So we are now best friend or mortal enemies. You pick!!

I hadn't thought of that! Well top 5 is pretty solid, what's the tie-break when it comes to top spot if two players tie?

Top 5 BITCHES. Now where ever I finish I can be happy. This is all based on a last minute switch from Kass to Tash. Good gut feeling KB!

I'd throw in that black women tend to get even shorter shrift from editors than your average under-featured white woman.

This is such a interesting point. Yeah swing for the fences, maybe get to the final, win if you are lucky but get asked back and get paid to be there.

If we look at the jury so far Tony doesn't get: Jefra, Morgan, Sarah for sure.

Am I the only one who thought she was pretty attractive at the beginning and her brains just make it all better?

Not necessarily. Blood vs water included married people and dating people. They obviously don't look a like. Yes there would be types but all you have to do is cast two fit young white couples and one mixed raced couple and they would all start getting paranoid trying to figure out who was who. Honestly if it weren't

Yep, I am going to watch the shit out of this show. I really liked Best Friends Forever, as a new show it felt like it knew what it was doing.

I worked for 3 years in campaigns in Britain, it's year round work because you go from local elections, to county, to local, to General. It's a hideous job, I now have 3 chronic muscle problems from all the walking, standing, sleeping in hotels and sitting in very bad desk chairs in very badly set up offices.