
I remember my nephew kicking me at about 2 and when I reacted making a hurt noise his face crumbled and he just stroked my face mumbling "sorry, hurt you". Crushed me.

No, but I'd totally be into that. Like "hey, by the way that guy you've been showmancing, he's your cousin!". Like you sign up with you partner, you are put on opposing tribes and no one knows who your partner is unless you tell them. You'd also be trying to figure out who had a relationship with who on the opposing

eventually but it would just add a little spice at the beginning. There would be no "oh well these two are both strong let's get rid of them" like the last one. Obviously it wouldn't last forever but it would breed a fun paranoia at the beginning. Imagine someone like Tony trying to work out who was linked to who, fun.

top 10 BABY

Tasha is a former NFL cheerleader remember, they must have some level of physical ability. Plus she can speed through at puzzles.

Now Tony has it I've sort of just assumed it won't get used.

I will once again say the best Blood Vs Water series would be where no one knows who is related to who on the opposing tribe. WAY more fun to being with.

I really enjoy that Simmon's wardrobe has changed completely from when she was a happy trusting nerd scientist to now as probably the one member of the team most jaded by the SHIELD fall. From white button ups with pink ties to black skinny jeans and a leather jacket.
She has gone from my least favourite to favourite

I just wish I'd listened when she told me not to shave my legs.

Exactly!! You'll watch a panel interview and be like "where are all the others? oh wait"

Emma Watsons? You mean she manages to build a career based on her looks because she is a terrible actress? (if interesting person in interviews).

perfect example of casting child actors being a crapshoot? The Harry Potter Series. Radcliffe good child actor never evolved, Rupert Grint, can play Ron, but nothing else. Emma Watson, terrible. The guy who played Neville, turned into a great actor and a hotty.

best advice my mother ever gave me was this: "you got my eyebrows, they are great eyebrows, never ever tweeze them".

See that is a nice way of thinking about it but the bits that would have softened are being overemphasised and the vowel sounds are not flattened at all.

I didn't even notice until the end of that scene, then I was all "really, science in just your undies?"

Her cockney isn't great, it's the one dent all of my friends find in the show, I've gotten over it because of how awesome the show is but both her and Felix's accents are just so very off to my east London ears.

Yep, when she walked in I thought "ah Sarah as Cosima" because of her posture and swaggery walk. That is great physicality from Maslany.

wow, someone didn't watch more than one episode because the comment I hear most from viewers is something along the lines of "it's shocking when you remember it's all her".

you forget, Charlie isn't fucked up like Huck. He's just a guy who is good at murdering people and who gets paid for it. He's never been shown to get off on torture like Huck.

A Campaign Runner would never get clearance.