
all identical?? cos that is some boring shit. Could you imagine the intense over thinking not knowing who on your team was paired with people from the other side would cause? it'd be so fun. BLAH.

Also better editing. There has been more suspense in the editing as well, which for me makes the tribal council worth watching. It's so boring when everything is completely telegraphed.

LJ's smug face was when I realised he was really going. He looks so sure!

Kass only makes it if they do an heros v villians motif again.

LJ, because tonight he took his cap off and I noticed how he is thinning on top. Sad times.

I hope if they do an all new Blood Vs Water they won't tell who is paired with who. So there can't be voting out of the partners of strong survivors early.

but he was wearing a leather jacket and had stubble…

I watched this today because unemployment makes you do crazy things and about 2 scenes in I thought "Eliza Coupe would have destroyed these tired wife jokes" then I thought "they cancelled Happy Endings but someone decided to make this???"

I thought the same, why not just use Huck or Charlie earlier if you're not using Fitz's.

I am fully in love with Bellamy Young; she is this wonderfully lovely figure in her guest spots on Criminal Minds and then she plays Mellie with nuance and layers. She is an unrepentant bitch who is my favourite thing about the show because of how well she is played.

The only thing I think could be a compensation of how mad Mellie will go if she finds out that Cyrus allowed the death of Andrew!

I skipped it at the point he seemed to try and inhale her face and then unfortunately started up where he spat on her neck then licked her. I feel a little sick just thinking of it.

you make valid points. At this point I guess I just see her making the dumbest flip moves possible at all times! If she sticks around a little she is a massive danger to flip again. plus as everyones been saying the best possible goat because if she does she'l have flipped on everyone.

Why flip for 5-5? I just see her as the kind of player who hangs on as the bottom of a majority alliance, any majority alliance. You are right though, I'm assuming they'd have voted Spencer if he wasn't immune which they probably wouldn't have.

If he'd let Tasha win and played the idol then Kass would have come back to them because I don't think she would ever stay on a smaller alliance when she could switch.

I think it's kind of a bullshit complaint when in so many seasons a lot of individual challenges favour strength and not actually give the smaller people a chance.

It's the scene where someone, Lipton I think is out in the open during the shelling and is crawling towards Muck and Penkala right and we see as they are victims of a direct hit. That scene is probably the one that sticks in my mind above all others.

I have not seen most of the Marvel films, but I saw Winter Soldier and it was fucking enjoyable. I would recommend it.

Agent Stillno Personality

I feel like all the hype being wrong is what has made this season so fun. That and my lack of exposure to spoilers.