
Maybe it's that I am a woman raised by a feminist single mother who now watches her older brother be the most tender and loving father but isn't that exactly how we want fathers to love their sons? with no emotional barriers.

I just commented about it above and to be honest I like it. John is consistently shown as a caring father. Why should he not be gentle with his son? should there be a difference between how he treats his daughters to his son? I liked it.

Can we talk about how nice it is that when John was comforting Toby he called him "sweetie" and "honey", not champ or buddy or any macho thing? It's a way fathers and sons aren't often portrayed on tv, so softly.

Tough Question Bro:
1) The Pineapple Incident (it's where I fell in love with the show).
2) Slap Bet
3) How I Met Everyone Else
4) Three Days of Snow (The Bracket is a close second)
5) Last Cigarette Ever
6) Subway Wars
7) Ducky Tie
8) Band or DJ?
9) How your Mother Met Me

At the time it was only on late night on BBC2 in the UK and I caught the premiere whilst on holiday from university. I then proceeded to buy the boxset and devour it and give it to all my friends. I do remember the exact moment I fell in love with it as a series, it was the line "damn it Trudy, what about the

In London, it's only on in one cinema in a city of 12 million people, selling out 4 shows of 40 seats seems reasonably easy.

You are totally correct, I just mention Denise because like you she was one of my favourite winners. I think often commenters fall in to this trap of "women hate pretty women" which is insanely sexist, and forget that people hate attractive people who have no other redeeming features. Then they fall into the trap that

Yep, Kim just came to mind because she is more recent. Also Denise, she won by playing tough and smart.

Women don't hate pretty women, they hate pretty women with nothing else going on. Kim is a perfect example of a pretty woman who got women on side because she was kind, smart and funny. The only jury members who didn't vote for her were men and were bitter about her outsmarting them. In fact two of the members of that

Firstly, I think you are right about humility or humour (I think sweetness is something women often identify as a characteristic of other women in place of intelligence, if they are not smart they need to be sweet), it actually counts for which guy they will vote for too, most women wouldn't vote for a guy who is all

I agree but do the other brawn tribe members know? that is the question…

He got humbled very early on and it's made him infinitely more watchable.

I think they knew it the moment they picked the same colour buff.

I think those three are going to be hard to separate now. They are bound tightly now and if they can pull in a 4th they really trust then they could go far.

I'm feeling happy with my last minute switch from Kass to Tasha. Tasha looks like the player who will surprise at individual immunity come the merge. Plus girl is smart.

The only reason to think Sarah will be there is that if Aparri want to stay strong they would keep her, but she's the obvious first vote, being out there alone.

Oh god, am I that bad at maths? the answer is yes. I've been waiting since the end of season 3 for more so 2008, which makes that 6 years?

Everything you say is so very true. I am not a creative person, I have no imagination, which might be why I consume so much through tv and films. I also read fanfiction and you are right, there are people out there writing better quality and more interesting stuff than is being released in our cinemas (obviously a

Her choices are interesting and she's been luckier than most actresses in Hollywood, she has played a lot of interesting well developed characters and we both know there aren't a wealth of those for women. But in reality her career really took off after the unexpected nomination for the tiny indie movie.

Imagine the 8 years I waited for this movie. I actually went and saw it in the cinema even though I'd donated and I sat next to my friend who watched it all 4 years ago after I bugged her repetitively about how much she'd have liked it.