
Is she any better at playing the AutoTune?

This is something that I learned today.

It's Assad, sad, story.

Hell, I've heard rumors CNN is thinking about doing the very same thing.

And it's only now that I realize the perfect couples costume is Sophia and Marcello, Marriage Italian Style

But, for real, let's think about what Latrell Sprewell here has to say.

So, is broad-brush poo-pooing any argument because it's made by those of the XY gender known as feminismissal?

Something tells me in about ten years, "Jennifer Lawrence isn’t fucking around anymore" will change meaning, with "fucking" going from a verb to an adverb.

I thought "the Aerosmith bump" was two lines of cocaine brought together, surrounded by a border of hair gel and Old Spice.

What is it about losing one's cultural relevance that makes a person want the world to burn? Just how much hatred are these withered husks of celebrities physically capable of containing?

Well, he doesn't "save" them as much as tells the Muslim attackers, "I believe they're the guys you're looking for."

Who knew circle-jerks could make that much money?

So, this is the season in which Rick says, "Now this IS a democracy!"?


Please. You want a show that was kept on out of spite? I give you "Heroes," every season after the first one. Seriously, fucking take it.

We know what they are. All we're doing is haggling over their price.

Did somebody hold a gun to her head when she took the role?

Doesn't surprise me, though. Paul Ryan's such a complete bag of shit that, if the Jesus Christ of New Testament were to return to the world, Ryan would be one of the people to accuse him of being a socialist and weak on defending Israel.

A Rand fanboy berates a writer for going too long on a topic. That's the joke.

They let Jenna Elfman out of her cage for THIS?!