
"This'll bring more black people to our niche gift shop for sure!" — R&RHOF board member, Cleveland Tourism Board head.

If one believes in the market as the judge of one's quality, and the market has judged that Atlas Shrugged is an absolute nuclear turd…

I believe it's usually called "rape."


And when I asked the Lord why there was only one set of footprints, he said, "There's no fucking way you'll drag me to some shit film where trees kill people."

But, if that whole "not for me" age deal is so true, why are so many thirty-to-forty-somethings — musicians and critics alike — trying to bandwagon on a woman whose music is clearly intended for children? I guess I'll never ever ever understand that, and that will have me dismissed as a "h8r."

Yeah, cuz Pitchfork only did that once.

Well, he knows how to market himself, any way.

"The pop-culture landscape is a lot like the world of Logan’s Run: After you pass 30, you might as well be dead as far as entertainment is concerned. Once you age out of a desirable demographic, music labels, movie studios, and television executives begin to see you less as a coveted market than as the worst kind of

To their detriment, though, neither Roth, Aja nor West have proven to have shitty music careers to return to if their films don't pan out. So, I'll keep watching Rob Zombie's films, despite Lords of Salem being a nuclear turd explosion.

Caption for the above photo: "Hi. I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn."


So, now this show has two "Really?!" Oscar winners.

She's what happens when a studio exec hears Sarah Silverman for the first time and then demands a lackey to "find me one of those."

And, like her movie acting/standup, I bet the book's a bunch of fresh material that doesn't get old fast!

Video cats: the perfect low-maintenance substitute for interaction for the modern internet shut-in.

Summed up: White band discovers black music, thinks they're Christopher fucking Columbus. See also, SIMON, PAUL.

Borrowing Spike Lee's style becomes even more apparent when the cool retro look is that from Spike Lee's original works. I was waiting for Samuel L. Jackson to tell us all to chill out from a radio station.

He looks now to Los Angeles for the language he uses. London is dead. London is dead. London is dead. London is dead. London is dead. London is dead.

Perhaps the comparison was just the public justification, with the real one being he's an unbearable hack who's coasted on his father's rep for half a century.