I was always kinda baffled by the Beck diss; although music magazines were crazy about him, he was hardly a "celebrity" in the way the others were (although Courtney was pretty unpopular by that time too).
I was always kinda baffled by the Beck diss; although music magazines were crazy about him, he was hardly a "celebrity" in the way the others were (although Courtney was pretty unpopular by that time too).
I recently watched the P&F special "Night of the Living Pharmacists" and really, really enjoyed it, partly because I'd forgotten how damn FUNNY the show could be (and I'd largely tailed off because of the piecemeal way later seasons were broadcast). I agree that Candace and Doof are the best characters. Also, I was…
He also turned up in the 90s Outer Limits, in a "It's a Wonderful Life"-type episode which was pretty schmaltzy and barely qualified as science fiction. Ayyy yi yiii oh yii yiii etc.
I think the official DVD guys did a decent job with the fill-in replacement music - for the most part, I didn't really miss it. But the problem keeps recurring in that there are certain scenes I'll always associate with the original soundtrack, e.g. Monaco's "What Do You Want From Me?" playing when Daria dresses up as…
"Dead Stop" is probably my favourite Enterprise episode. Creepy, which Star Trek doesn't do enough (I also like "Conspiracy" in that regard).
It is definitely open to interpretation, that's for sure. But there is an awful lot of similarity in the way the Judge, the lawyer in "Powers, Principalities…", the ghost of Mr Crocell etc., make their offer to Frank, the way those episodes are grouped together with other supernatural stories, etc.
As far as I'm concerned, Millennium has two "mythologies". Firstly there's the Millennium Group arc which begins in the second season, with the warring factions. And secondly, there's the "Legion" arc. This arc is played a lot more subtly, since Legion is almost never referred to by name. But, from an early point in…
Like many people, I watched a few Millennium episodes when it first came out, then gave up. What a satellite channel started showing repeats about three years ago, I decided to give it a second chance - and I'm glad that I did. It's simply brilliant TV, particularly in the second season, one of the most ambitious TV…
I've watched BSG through twice, and I agree that it's good the whole way through - well, almost. There were some bumps along the way, including this episode. But I only really got bored and disappointed towards the end of Season 4 (Kara playing the piano, etc.). The mutiny story should have gone on longer as it was…
"Oh, my fatuous Fox…." I'm sorry, I have to say I hate TrustNo1 as well. Terrible, terrible episode, especially that last scene.
My favourite of the short-lived MTV animated comedies was Downtown. I loved the characters, especially snarky Jen, the hilarious Goat and, oddly, hopeless romantic Mecca. The whole NYC setting really showed how much the creators lived and breathed the city. The transitions between reality and fantasy (whether it be…
I can't wait for the video game of this movie!
"Her Jazz" by Huggy Bear - best song ever.
Around the time these episodes were being broadcast, I was reading a lot of online reviews and episode guides - the X-Files was really one of the first TV shows to get this kind of extensive coverage, wasn't it? I have good memories of reading Tom McCown's "breviews", now long lost in the internet wilderness. A jaded,…
Really loved this film. Disappointingly, it still hasn't been released on Region 2, while Kairo (which I consider inferior) has. I'm unsure about classifying it as "horror" - to me it feels more akin to atmospheric films like Angel Heart or Jacob's Ladder.
I liked Doggett exactly for those reasons: he just wants to get the job done. I have to admit, I found Scully pretty irritating a lot in the last two seasons - acting kind of haughty at times, and sobbing a lot.
The voice-over letters were thankfully relegated to just one episode, "TrustNo1", which was awful. But on the plus side, it inspired one of the funniest reviews by Tom McGown, a jaded fan who hated the last few seasons.
I liked a lot of season eight, largely because the overused humour and irreverence were dropped in favour of a dark, serious tone. S9 was mostly very weak, though.
Issue 50 of Shade the Changing Man. Anyone who's read it will know what I'm talking about. For anyone currently reading the series on Comixology - brace yourselves.
They're remaking Jacob's Ladder AND Angel Heart?!!!