2000 Les Paul Custom in Heritage Cherry Sunburst. Beautiful.
2000 Les Paul Custom in Heritage Cherry Sunburst. Beautiful.
My girlfriend's brother works at a potbelly's near our apartment and he makes the greatest thing ever. The Italian Wrecking Ball. It's an italian sub meat, wreck sub meat, and meatball sub meat all in one. You have to be stoned and starving to take it on, but when you walk away full of meat, you feel pretty…
P-90's are bad ass too. Let's all just agree that the electric guitar is a phenomenal instrument and without Les Paul's considerable contribution to the electric guitar, music would be a very different thing today.
Yeah, Family Guy is pretty unfunny, especially since the South Park torpedo job with manatees writing the nonsense jokes in Family Guy.
Humbucker. Set neck. Argument over.
The original. As a proud owner of a Heritage Cherry Sunburst Gibson Les Paul Custom and a Les Paul (the man) fan, I am saddened by the news. His name will live on until mankind is wiped off the earth though, which is more than I or nearly anyone else can say.
Shit, that's a good band name. Your fictional band better be awesome.
No, GLM, get more worked up! Compare this self important reaction to such a dumb and meaningless documentary to something like Waltz with Bashir or something that might actually spark a thought in someones mind. Keep thinking about it. BAM! There goes a blood vessel in your brain. Now adam genier killed you.
If he wasn't an art major or an english major, his chances of being gainfully employed are increased greatly. Don't let them tear you down man, misuse apostrophes as you wish.
+1000000 for Children of Bodom
I don't support machine gunning anyone. Guns are for pussies. Use your hands.
Yeah boxy cars are idiotic, with their cavernous interior space and functionality. What kind of asshole would buy a car like that? I prefer raked back windshields and joke rear seats and a tiny trunk. I'm totally anti-establishment through my preference in car shape.
Correction: Hardball
Top notch troll FCP. Top notch.
Jorge, my friend, well played. It takes some thought and skill to come up with a considerate and sensible retort to her blathering moronic nonsense. Cheers to you, I don't have that self control when I hear Palin or any defense of the woman.
Stewart has repetedly made Kristol his bitch. It reminds me of the SNL Harball skit where Chris Matthews keeps calling Paul Begala (sp?) his bitch and cutting him off.
I'd like to turn his face a bright cheery (cherry?) red by repeatedly landing overhand lefts and right hooks and uppercuts (my boxing stance is lefty). That guy is such a buffoon, his ideas are as pro-wealthy, misogynistic, and racist as O'Reilly's or Limbaugh's, he's just less of a grating asshole and more of a…
The good doc meant Northern Ireland, I assume. Godless bastard protestants. Keep hiding under the queen's crown, you monarchists.