Dr. Nguyen Van Falk

+1 to lupin yonsei

Sorry your attempt to woo her failed. You should get points for bravery. Offering a smoking hot feminist youtube videos of makeup sporting toddlers is a bold move.

Oh! That's the one I was talking about. I never went to the one south of Coogee. Coogee is the southernmost beach I went to. Although I feel as though I missed some cultural immersion by not going to Cronulla or Maroubra and meeting some 'bra boys.

Is that the one by the SCG?

Aeschylus is better for self flagellation.

Hey man, you're the one who watched P.S. I love You. Don't blame your roommate or Gerard Butler. Neither made the movie or forced you to watch it.

Like that inexplicable orgasm scene in the second matrix. There's nothing better than witnessing chicks come, but that scene was awful. The matrix sequel even made a female orgasm boring, stupid and unwatchable.

Katherine Heigl. I'm not sure why I don't like her. She's a semifox, her boobs are ample and from what I can surmise, real, which I like. She doesn't really do anything that I don't like other than bad movies and TV shows, but I don't watch them. It might be because the mean-spirited horror show of jerks in Knocked


Let that shit dangle, man

@ leeharvey

@ Totz Jr.; No rock tumbler, but if they had anything like that it would probably be an apple widget of a rock tumbler. The real thing would require too much effort.

A lot more horror stories about drinking, sure. But they involve actual human interaction. I'd much rather risk falling over, being run over, or whatever calamity can befall a drunken buffoon while going places, meeting people, and enjoying their company instead of spending most of my life playing a computer game

"we have a raid"

You want a bad warcraft roommate story?

Yeah and I believe it's on the day three tweet session that one of them bitches about someone's cigarette smoke billowing towards the avclub staffer. God forbid someone light up at an OUTDOOR ROCK SHOW. What wet blankets. I'll be getting my music reviews elsewhere from people who are capable of enjoying themselves

If you guys were doing this as a bit of an aside, I could let it slide, but it's a front page featured item. . There are more than 4 correspondents and there were 3 stages. How is it that all of you watched Matt and Kim over Beirut and The National over The Black Lips? Isn't there an editor or some other

The National
Good thing no one else was playing while the national were putting everyone to sleep.

or maybe she went out into full-sun daylight and exploded. He skin just couldn't take it. Because she's a bad drummer. I think it's pretty clear that's what happened.

Probably because she sucks at drums.