
My understanding of the situation was that they didn't "get rid of her" so much as she quit the show.

Part of Fitz's changed past seems to be more of a relationship with his father. He previously mentioned that he had a really bad experience with his father leaving when he was young and then in this episode he says something along the lines of "my father always said."

The art on that jacket either looks like Michael Kupperman or someone ripping off his style.

Xavier mentioned in a previous episode that he and his mom spent every summer in Seattle. So that would explain how he knows so many people from his childhood.

She figured out Ed killed her abusive boyfriend and then he accidentally klled her.

It is super funny how the end of last week's episode was shot super "romantic" and then this week they revealed that it was totally on purpose.

Fun fact, the lead of "I'll Have What He's Stabbing" is the stand in for Zorn in episode rehearsals.

The funny thing about this is that the law was spearheaded on the actors side by SAG-AFTRA president Gabrielle Carteris, who is best remembered as that lady who played a high school student on 90210 when she was like 30.

I'm not sure anyone who was actually watching it was surprised by this seeing as about a month ago Syfy moved it to airing at midnight. When the channel is more interested in airing old movies instead of first run episodes of a show it has ratings problems.

Season 2 of Helix got really really weird, like there was a whole thing where they had multiple stories going on at the same time and one of them actually took place 30 years in the future. Another character ended up with an immortal fetus that was removed from her body and placed in a glass jar and the finale had

This is going off of information not actually presented in the episode but the commercial for next week made it clear that the scene with the Sheriff and the strangers was not a flashback and they are somehow back after being chopped into bits by Cassidy.

Surprised the review didn't mention the absolutely stupidest part of the episode. When the Hidden One created a massive storm to kill the team and then they just kind of… skipped it?

A really bizarre moment in the broadcast version was right at the end of the episode they put up a PSA about calling the suicide prevention hotline. Like, okay, this week's episode had characters killing themselves because of a voice they heard in their head but the voice was real.

I assume the message board stuff was just to kind of gloss over what Julia has been up to and the name is mostly for book readers. Kind of interesting to note, the broadcast version had a content warning before the orgy scene, even though you can't really see anything explicit.

It's been really bizarre why they're even still doing flashbacks to the war. It made sense in the first two seasons since everything involved with Moloch was supposed to start back then, it was just derailed by Katrina's spell.

I really, really hated the bit with the Hidden One just nonchalantly killing the Kindreds. It was just stupid and pointless. Just like everything to do with the character and Pandora.

Well, I think they were aware that they kind of short changed Sid, seeing as he got multiple jokes about not being able to get his lines in.

I think Sid's bit at the end wearing the full armor like that was supposed to signify that he's his own knight now. So he's going off with Gareth as a partner and not a squire.

Raven is probably the safest bet for being killed off. Stuff is no longer so ramshackle that they need someone like her to jury rig everything together. Also they got rid of the only other character who really had a connection to her.

One of the best moments of season 1 was the scene where Kane has a breakdown after learning that he was wrong about the ground being unsafe.