
Yeah, it's funny how Octavia started out as standard CW pretty person and through the course of season 1 and 2 turned into a huge badass.

Kind of funny that they moved their pop music over to diegetic style. Also I'm assuming Jaha has some kind of VR device that connects him to the AI based on him trying to give something to Murphy.

The worst example I can think of is when they did Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" where they took out everything regarding gender or orientation. Thus kind of taking away the point of the song.

The lake was named "Storm Lake" and a quick search says there's a town called that in Iowa.

I guess the big question is exactly how long has Wayward Pines been running? When showing the house Theresa mentioned it was 12 years old but the "first generation" kids were all teenagers. Also I doubt David Pilcher decided to just wait out an even 2000 years just to be sure that humanity would fall.

It fits with my "out of sequence" theory since seeing him outside of town would take place before we see him in town. So he could have been outside of town but then later joined the town when Ethan was woken up.

Well, Beverly mentioned that when she first came to town she had no memory at all of her previous life, so maybe that was what they were trying to do to him? They might have avoided it with Ethan's family because it would have just made him more agitated.

A big assumption is that everything around the town in a certain radius is controlled by whoever is in charge, like how Theresa and Ben just happened to have someone point them in the right direction.

My theory as someone who hasn't read any of the books is that the show has been tricking us this entire time. Its been portraying the stuff happening outside the town in sequential order BUT seeing all those cars in the tunnel covered with dust (including Theresa's car) points towards things happening out of order.

Yeah, it was on the map, just with unclear handwriting. I thought it said "park" at first.

I would say that the thing that killed Galaxies was its own flawed design. What makes people excited about Star Wars are the grand sweeping adventures. Then you log into SWG at launch and you're stuck doing menial labor on Tatooine. You know, the kind of life Luke wanted to run away from at the beginning of ANH. You

I'm pretty sure if you go back through recent episodes it's hinted that Rigby and Eileen are already dating. There's just not a lot of crazy drama because Eileen is more open about her emotions and Rigby is too straightforward.

The whole season was kind of weird, like how every single episode focused on Robert. Previous seasons had stories with everyone else, mostly Huey. While this season nobody else got to really do anything. The other big misstep of the season was putting Ruckus as a direct villain to just about every story. Normally he's

I've been thinking about it and wasn't a big reveal a while back that Julia's hallucination friend was actually her mom? So I guess they were reusing that actress.

The Constance head thing was supposed to be the Scythe's weak spot or something like that, even though it didn't really do anything. As for the giant explosion killing off everyone I think its telling that they didn't actually show any confirmed dead bodies and they'll just use it as an excuse for anyone who doesn't