
Am fat guy. Can confirm difficulty of removing own pants.

It's actually Mosby.

Holy crap, you really are from the future. I figured we'd all be laboring in the sugar mines for our ant overlords two years from then.

Someone probably locked him in a cabinet in the break room.

In NBC's version, the Nazis catch them on their way out of the theatre and execute them on the spot. Featuring Sean Hayes as Hitler.

Man, I would watch the hell out of some curling tonight. At least when the other option is a live production of "The Sound of Music", featuring that girl who keeps Teddy Westside on the hook.

It was cute, just maybe one verse too long. I kept thinking "OK, this is the end", and then he'd ramp back up.

I'm holding out for Cricket Night in America.

They'll get bought out.  Someone must have 3 million dollars lying around.

I have a friend who is a professional oboe player.  She tells me stories about the infighting between two groups of oboists who trained under specific people, and how they don't like each other.  There's like this whole oboe seedy underworld.

If they're going to take a beloved Tom Hanks movie and make it into a TV series, why not Splash?  Throw in a wise-cracking Tom Arnold in the John Candy role, stick them in suburbia, and you've got a CBS sitcom along the lines of Dharma and Greg (with lots of jokes about her carpet always being wet, you know, because

It's too bad, too.  It would have been a really sweet moment.

I prepare to be ridiculed, but I actually liked "Here Comes the Boom", if only for the scene of Henry Winkler singing the title track with an acoustic guitar and a twinkle in his eye.

She needs to go back to making Lifetime movies with ridiculous titles, like "Mother May I Sleep with Danger?" or "Mother May I Have A Bad Boob Job?".

Criminal Minds - yes.  I came to nominate that episode.  It's so fucking creepy, those living dolls.


I do like the idea that Joe has been eating 2-3 Mounds bars a day for 25 years.

Um, we need to talk about Kevin.

He should just come back and be with Loretta and Cleveland Jr., as if nothing happened.  One 4th wall joke later, and it's done.

Not just yogurt - yogurt with stewed rhubarb.  It's the kind of desert you'd serve someone as a way of ensuring they never came back to your house for a dinner party again.