
No one wants to watch that. I sat through too many depositions. Most of the time it's a less interesting version of watching paint dry.

That's not a thing.

White Guy Power!

Pretty much. I'd watch them in a 90-minute video explaining the benefits of using your Amway distributorship to pay your initiation fee into Scientology.

Yes to this. It's like the network said Ken Jeong is getting popular, let's see more of him, but no one on the show had an idea how to make that happen.

I'm with this. I liked Jean Ralphio, but Mona Lisa was just too over the top.

Kind of sounds like… you got Jammed.

No to everything you both said.

I will have some Romano cheese in his honor.

I always assumed when they finally put the belt on him, it would be at least long enough to beat Punk's reign.

That's one of my favorite Simpsons lines of all time. I love the offhand way he says it, as if of course Homer would have cultivated a friendship with the woman living in the garbage pile.

Careful - if you reveal too much, you'll spoil the Verducci Master Plan.

The WGN Bozo? That was awesome. I watched it every morning, and I knew that when the kids started throwing ping pong balls into the buckets, it was time to go to school.

Ditto. I was wondering where the new reviews were. I'm already hating people, and I wanted validation.

He's so annoying in this, I want to punch him repeatedly in the throat until he just stops whining.

I'd have a hard time believing Howard either when he said that he would suddenly shape up and pitch in if they had a kid. 90% of the domestic scenes between them seem to involve him either playing video games, just finished playing video games, or talking about playing video games.

At least it's growing out after the debacle of last season's hair.

Makes sense that a law student would be signing up to provide the Girlfriend Experience, since she's unlikely to ever get a job providing the Lawyer Experience.


I loved this show. They were all so… artsy, but in the best possible way. I have a lot of friends who went to art school, and they couldn't get enough of this show. I hate most of these reality-type shows, but this one was right up my alley.