
He's British, so his vampire teeth are probably all sticking out in the wrong direction.

Maybe they're riding vampire horses around?

Promo picture
Is the picture included in the article actually a legitimate promo picture from ABC? It looks like they made cardboard cutouts of all the characters and put them on someone's lawn in front of a big gate.

Brakhage's films definitely qualify as movies you have to work to watch rather than ones that work to entertain you.

Brakhage's films definitely won't appeal to everyone, but I caution against making up your mind based on Youtube clips.

One thing that I always found fascinating about Brakhage's films was, despite being silent, the images move so rhythmically that you are eventually lulled into a sense of immersion with the film that it seems to have an aural component.

The current working theory is that was the Doctor from a different point in time (presumably the future), because:

I can't wait to hear more of Starbuck's patented evil terrorist accent; or maybe she'll start mimicking the way Jack talks, since she seems to be an accent chameleon.

There is no US version of the original theatrical Grindhouse on DVD or Blu-Ray, although it has been released elsewhere. It's muy lame, because I think it's better as it was put together rather than viewed as two separate movies (and the trailers really seal the deal).

That's how I felt when European Vacation came out and it had four Americans on the cover. I just about tossed my cookies.

I imagine the terrorists also asked for a kidnap kit earlier in the day, which came stocked with:

The fact that we haven't seen anything from her since she went to the Jack Shack just proves that there will be a stunning twist where she's taken hostage, or has been the mastermind all along.

The idea behind the better leads is that:

I didn't expect her to make it to the end of the episode (suicide after the lawyer confrontation) or for Jack to make it to CTU (Russian guy pulls some shit), but even though those two ideas didn't pan out the show still made sure to send Jack out of there with a quickness.

The only reason why Agent Mystery Man Jr didn't kill them both is a simple plot contrivance: they wanted to show Starbuck being all weepy over her blackmailer, but they can't do that if Cole kills him without causing issues they didn't want.

I was kind of disappointed that it didn't end on the lyrics:

And speaking of that scene from season 2: if the show had flashed forward to Ellen saying "I lied too" and taking a drink just once more, I would have had to be committed to an asylum.

It would be nice if they mixed up the formula a bit more, but there's also a certain appeal to having the core set of characters work as a team reliably without any serious internal drama as well.

I definitely feel like Gilroy is coming on to Michael, no two ways about it. He's always touching Michael — especially in the watch distribution scene — and his dialogue and body language are both suggestive.

Do you think Jason Schwartzman got abducted by terrorists while filming The Darjeeling Limited and they replaced him with a double?