
The only way the Starbuck storyline could possibly be redeemed is if she brutally murders that dude, rolls him up in a rug and tosses him in the river on her way back to CTU without breaking her stride.

If only the death of every terrorist in Army of Two Too prompted a cutscene of his abused wife rejoicing, or his father giving a glowing speech at the wake.

Too bad Aceveda seems to have been responding to a casting call for generic dead extra #2.

I did comment once that the reason Rios and Salem go to all of these different countries is to finally find one where they can legally get married. Most of the "good job buddy" movies you can do with your partner hint at a burning passion smouldering beneath those face masks. Their love for each other is really the

If only you could replace one of the two lummoxes you play as with Hitler. Maybe the other guy with Goebbels? I would definitely grade the game higher.

A C+ is a pretty generous review (I gave it an F) for what is one of the least polished games I can recall from this console generation.

I think you're halfway there. The terrorists will realize that Kim and her family are flying to LA, however they tip off Jack and he races to the airport to save them. However, he can only find his granddaughter roaming the concourse — left behind Home Alone style — and is too late to stop Kim from boarding and the

Yes, the KGB's records were all disposed of in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, many of which found their way into Ms. Arulpragasam's collection.

The joke is on you, I got a complete blood transfusion after I swore that oath.

What about Quintuplets?

Yeah, given the speed the show's plot is moving at, NBC should really enjoy the remaining storylines of "everyone in the world is dead or psychotic" and "the world has ended, full stop".

The only reason Carson Daly has a show on NBC is that he filled in his name on the job application as "Daly, Carson" and someone thought he was Johnny's grandson.

You're probably referring to Christopher Badcock, who has written extensively in the field, he's not a juvenile joke made up for a cancelled TV show. You people aren't even worthy of carrying his jock strap.

I agree about the 'burning off plotlines' sentiment. I think this is why some British and cable shows benefit so much from reduced episode counts per season. They have a bunch of good ideas (hopefully) and only so much room for them, so they cram things in that would otherwise be drawn out to great length and

Are you saying that Caroline put something in the shampoo that causes Bennett's head to be hard enough to withstand a bullet? Sort of the hair-washing equivalent of slipping a bible into your inside jacket pocket?

I agree that Misfits benefits from a very tight schedule, which doesn't leave them time to mess around. However, the writers / creators of Heroes have no one to blame but themselves for meandering all over hell's half-acre with their show. Not to say that it's easy, but lots of other shows have managed to plot a

Most of my Heroes experience comes from the TV Club, since it looked extremely dire from day one and I (wisely) avoided it.

I would have gone with Idris Elba, he could have taken the series in a more vampire fighting / drug dealing direction.

You should have him put down before the disease spreads further.

I suspect part of the reason why ratings never seem to favor more thoughtful television (as opposed to say, reality shows) is that the Nielsen system is a pain in the ass. The PITA factor probably skews the acceptance rate of idiots up at the cost of also promoting their dull, mongoloid, Star Search-esque programming