
I hope Robbie Coltrane is actually in the Gooby costume., although it doesn't seem roomy enough for him in the chin area.

Why, what happens then?

This show just has cancelled written all over it.

Since this is under Other Shows, and the article mentions only checking in for the premiere and finales of Psych and/or Monk, I don't think you're going to be tormented by too many further Psych reviews. I presume the thought is that a show like Psych wouldn't benefit from regular critiques, which I agree with.

Aha, so that's the secret! Review put up before the interview, and they like it. Interview first and it's a pile of crap.

It also ties into the slap the Russian dude laid on Callie Thorne earlier, another apparent case of the guy in charge putting the help in line. Of course the question there is how did they instantly know to react that way in order to maintain the illusion that he was in charge, but whatever.

And the countdown begins to the AV Club's scathing review of Thirst.

Then maybe it's time. Your oxygen should be used by someone who can still enjoy life.

He pretty much said brother every 2 sentences as far as I can recall.

As mentioned elsewhere, the only person who that article makes out to seem to be an insufferable douche is its author. I have no doubt that Eric Schaeffer is a terrible stain on the face of all mankind but his publi-domni-natri-cist or whatever the hell she is must be put against the wall before him in the coming

The Mark Sheppard Omnipresence Paradigm is discussed towards the end of this interview with Javier Grillo-Marxuach:

Nothing is truly unique. Just being well versed in literature and the arts makes it practically impossible to create something that isn't a culmination of your influences. I think the key is to say something old in a way that means something to you, and not worry about the specter of originality.

At least we live in a brave new world where shows get released on DVD as a matter of course, regardless of how they did on the air. Back in the dark ages, they would just go poof into the night never to be heard from again.

That in a nutshell is why I didn't catch it until halfway through the original run. Who watches ABC Family? Who even knew that they produced original sitcoms?

Well, he is a Method actor after all.

Episode 13
I haven't seen a lot of resentment expressed about this, which is refreshing in a way (it is the Internet after all) but also a little odd. As I understand it, episode 13 would have essentially wrapped up the first season's plot lines, until ABC Family reduced its order by one and screwed it up.

I was very sad when Family Guy was originally cancelled, and got a lot of mileage out of its initial three seasons. My excitement at its resurrection quickly metamorphosed into disappointment, indifference and then disgust.

It doesn't help that the very instant an actor or their character exhibits anything resembling range or depth, they must immediately be murdered. Rhys had better watch out; if he gets fleshed out even one more iota he's a goner.

Maybe she isn't a child actor but rather is a midget hooker whose life story was fictionalized into Orphan.

I could barely make out that it was a person in her scenes, she was shot in soft focus to such an absurd degree that I thought the camera man might have cataracts.