
There are shows that run all year long, and they're atrociously awful: soap operas.

But there's no gold statuette and more importantly there's no awards spectacle involved. There needs to be a celebration of the magic of Hollywood EVERY WEEK.


Baby wants Blue Velvet!

I prefer the term 'irregulars' instead of 'seconds', especially in this context.

Karatloz's dad is a part of the Jerry Bruckheimer family of services?

Hollywood is literally covered with 10 story tall banners for this movie, and I don't think there are any five year olds driving along Sunset Blvd. If they want that demographic why can't they advertise in pre-schools and daycares (and orphanages).

Also, all of the high falutin' voice talent drops out except for one person whose career has gone so off the rails that they actually voice a rodent in a direct to DVD sequel that is put on the middle shelf at Blockbuster in order to fool people looking for the real rodent CGI animation extravaganza.

They need to take it a step further, and have 52 nominees for every week of consideration. Or they could have a Best Picture of the Week and do away with the oppression of the year altogether.

From what I've read, it seems like season 2 will jump back into the normal plotline, and eventually events will lead up to the stuff in Epitaph One. However, I see a few problems with that:

It did kick things up several notches. I don't really know how the show will work when it goes back to the 'good old days' for season 2, after teasing us with that.

When you're in the middle of the Everglades, it's often a good idea to bring along a dying child. This way, if you get caught, you can always try to use the kid's Make A Wish Foundation wish to escape. And if you're really in a bind, they make excellent human shields.

I thought the drug angle was a classic example of what is wrong with Torchwood. You could never have that be the reason for the alien invasion on Doctor Who, so just because it couldn't be done there it must be done here, even if it's stupid and pointless. Torchwood does have some good points, and Doctor Who can be

I sort of suspect (and hope) that they're gearing up for an extended mission against the government or some other large player, where Michael will need more resources than Sam and Fiona and will turn to all of these friends he's been making.

No problem, he can afford to wait jailbait out.

Enjoy the reverse chronological space syphilis that goes back in time and makes you an insane baby.

Just achieving orbit around Uranus isn't enough, you have to breach the atmosphere.

This movie would benefit greatly from an audio track that adheres more rigidly to the actual dialogue of the events as depicted in the Onion article.

40. Shut up

Hey Bowie, do you have one really funky sequined space suit?