It sounds like someone needs the healing power of rose quartz!
It sounds like someone needs the healing power of rose quartz!
It sounds like someone needs the healing power of rose quartz!
Wild Tits 4-Eva!
Wild Tits 4-Eva!
You don't have one minute to spare, @Other_Chris:disqus (two if it's a special occasion)?
You don't have one minute to spare, @Other_Chris:disqus (two if it's a special occasion)?
What are these "jokes" you are going on about?
What are these "jokes" you are going on about?
I had no idea that other people loved Groundhog Day. This tickles me.
I had no idea that other people loved Groundhog Day. This tickles me.
I've always thought Muse would be great to see live, but they don't do much for me on the radio. They're catchy, though.
I've always thought Muse would be great to see live, but they don't do much for me on the radio. They're catchy, though.
The biggest benefit to e-book readers is being able to read erotica on the bus. Uh, not that I would.
The biggest benefit to e-book readers is being able to read erotica on the bus. Uh, not that I would.
I can't imagine Freddie Mercury ever encouraging anyone to tone anything down.
I can't imagine Freddie Mercury ever encouraging anyone to tone anything down.
If a dude did this he would totally win points with me.
If a dude did this he would totally win points with me.
You crazy kids are adorable.
You crazy kids are adorable.