
Yeah, with a "C," but I still stand by my point.

Oh, a few more nominations for #27
Michael Wincott - Why doesn't anyone utilize this guy? He was awesome in Basquiat and The Crow and a bunch of other small roles.

Oh, a few more nominations for #27
Michael Wincott - Why doesn't anyone utilize this guy? He was awesome in Basquiat and The Crow and a bunch of other small roles.

It's because there are so few actresses (and actors, for that matter) with really solid comedic timing. She stands out because of that. See also Kristin Wiig, Tina Fey, Katherine Keener, Isla Fisher. See? Crush, crush, crush and crush.

Not to mention he (along with Crispin Glover) made that Charley's Angels movie somewhat watchable.

Justine Bateman and Andy Richter Controls…
One reason Justine Bateman isn't getting a lot of work is because she's a damn fine fashion designer. And how dare anyone say one bad word about Andy Richter Controls the Universe. That show was absolute genius.

Cabin Boy, anyone?

Man, I love Mary Timony.

Ha, you guys should have your own show.

I can't believe people here are taking Dragonforce seriously as a literal band. They're in the joke guys. Now, if you want an example of a similar band who did take themselves seriously, try Nitro. The album is called O.F.R (out-f***ing-rageous.) There, now you have something to feel superior about. Actually,

Putney Swope
This list needs more Putney Swope.

Ha, hardly.

"Of the 20+ grandkids on my dad's side of the family, I don't think there are three who didn't get into the leftover liquor at one of the family gatherings at least once before they were 12."

I'll kick all that ass with the Boston Frogs.

He means "The powder OF Chileans."


Oh man, nothing was more disturbing than Louis Anderson hosting Family Feud. His take on it was so so dark. He looked like he was in pain the entire time and would rather be doing anything else in the world. And to think he WASN'T the host that committed suicide.

Yes, that would be a bit hypocritical of Short Round, wouldn't it?

Shane Black's Scripts
Anyone who knows anything about writing "good" action movie scripts (I think there are like 4 or 5 people) knows that Shane Black scripts are like little, bracketed bibles.

If they're music snobs they read Wire. If they're television snobs they watch The Wire.