
Thanks for reminding me to set my DVR to NEVER record Dinner for Five.

Are you kidding? It's not hard at all to produce a televised sporting event that occurs on a track and produce it well. Hello? NASCAR, anyone? Hillbillies can't get enough of that shit. See also: F1, the Olympics, the list goes on. There's no excuse for the slip-shod production, I don't care how many horses are

Put your pens where you mouths are.
I don't know, I think Russell T. Davies has done a pretty good job running the show. He's admittedly no Steven Moffit when it comes to writing actual episodes, but who is? I say, instead of complaining so much we have a Dr. Who spec teleplay writing contest. Winner gets to talk all

You have died of dysentery.

Uh, Guitar Hero, anyone? I don't think I've ever played it sober.

Whaaat wooooouuulld yoouu dooooo?

I heard the factory was in Samolia, or actually off the coast on board a pirate ship.

I've been trumpeting this movie since it came out. It's right up there with Godfather Part II, After the Thin Man, Aliens, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the King when considering the best sequels ever made.


Best Miserablist Movies
Dancer in the Dark

Recruiting "actors" from MySpace? (shudders) Talk about creepy. Next time just use the bus depot like everyone else.

Man Men and Breaking Bad are about the best things going. I love it when Draper tells the beatnick what's what.

Also: The Tudors

Hahahaha, well done.

Chris is the only one I could have a longer-than-10-minute conversation with. He's my vote for fan favorite.

Yeah, obviously all the decent journalists look at their check and say "To Hell with this." and go work in TV. Either that or they go into advertising.

I was in the same boat: not watching, reading here instead. I actually gave this episode a chance. It wasn't bad, it definitely merits having it on in the background while you're doing something else.

Love the brother-in-law
The brother-in-law was my favorite character in the first episode (besides future golden globe for a dramatic tv series winner Bryan Cranston, of course) and it's good to see him getting more plot-time in this episode. Overall this one was fantastic, the best so far.

I think his MyPlace page was meant to say "Milk Lover" but knowing what we know about Jessie, we're supposed to understand that he misspelled the word.
