emerson bigguns

You mean, like, "the penis mightier than the sword?"

How about if we consider the possibility that there is nothing wrong with her whatsoever? Maybe she's decided that, when she gives up her virginity, it will be a certain way, or to a certain kind of guy, and LIBIDO has not, in any way, impressed her that he is that guy. She certainly has the right to decide that,

It's possible "a few good fuckings" might be what she needs, but they've been together six months and she still feels otherwise. If SHE doesn't think that's what she needs, that's really the most important fact here, isn't it?

I still say "groovy" now and then—it almost always gets a smile when it's the answer to the generic greeting "How's it going?"

Earlier this week I got an email notice when I posted under an account I signed up for by mistake and it received a response.

Thanks for the background and perspective. That's a lot more interesting. Cheers!

Sorry about the link. The story is on rte.ie. Yes, indeed; five suspensions for the clash with Scotland this Saturday plus nine other players being "sanctioned" (written or verbal warnings), and a sixth player on delayed suspension for the match with Wales.
But—and forgive me if these seem like silly questions—how

Fuck. And you were one of the people I was counting on to help us find the bar.

Uh oh. You fell into an unstable wormhole, too?

got it; a little lower in the thread. thanks!

Wow, now THAT'S impressive—where else but the AV Club can one find a quote from the funniest four letter words in the English language, Redd Foxx?
(ETA—and on a Fifty Shades Of Grey newswire, no less!)

Because you reddit…?

If you ever see me walking around with a Die Hard 48-month truck battery in a shoulder bag, don't wonder where the smile is coming from….

Thanks for the link! That's some great reading and a fascinating peek into internet dating.

Well, the idea of someone being awarded XP and possibly certain helpful spells/potions for writing in certainly has some appeal.

I'd love to see this experiment done.

Well, okay; if you're last, I'm gonna gather up my nuts and go home.

maybe that's the idea…?

Well, did you know, according to Wikipedia, the Pleistocene Era was when humans evolved into their present form?