

I feel like it's worth noting Lisa needs braces…

I thought it was a paddlin'?

I see you've played Simpsonsy-spoony before.

Man, The Simpsons was so good in it's prime that even seeing the title "Bart vs. Australia" made me chuckle, just remembering some of the best gags.

I don't remember laughing much during that episode either, turkey legs!

That's true. Either way they're both horrible pieces of shit.

Bannon is somehow more hateful and racist than Trump. I don't know how that's possible, but he's done it.

Steve Bannon. Steve fucking Bannon. John Lennon and George Harrison could come back to life and reunite The Beatles and it still wouldn't calm me down about Steve. Fucking. Bannon. Hey, how are we supposed to unify like they keep telling us to when an actual anti-semite/white nationalist is now working for the fucking

The clip of her played during Colbert's monologue on Thursday was genuinely terrifying.

Not melodramatic at all. One of the purposes of art is escapism, and this album, while still reflecting the fucked up world we live in, is a great way to escape for a while.

Me too. Probably because he was never a recurring character.

It's just like when Reagan did it, and he's somehow considered a great president!

That type of nostalgia definitely played a part in his success, of course. And now it looks like Trump's puppeteering of those feelings means America's regressing back a couple of decades, and the LGBT, POC, female and other such communities are going to have to fight being silenced for a while because many privileged

Too bad he was able to play to their racism and make them think they were different from the POC lower class.

Oh and classist/low class somehow.

There's not many better feelings than when one of your favorite groups releases a comeback album that's actually great.

I was expecting the sketch to be Tyrone with the Walking Dead characters; when Silky showed up and I realized what was going to happen I also actually did a happy scream.

ATCQ talk: How good is that new album? Honestly, right now, I'd call it their best behind Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders (yes, even above People's Instinctive Travels).

Interesting to see you went against the usual format of these reviews. Was this to get it out faster tonight, or just because it felt like a different type of show?