
And xenophobic. And willfully ignorant. We got 'em all?

And Trans/Homophobic

Not necessarily racist, but definitely at least supporting racism.

#Jostisgoodnow #metoo

Looks like Trump will finally be right when he calls the SNL opening "sad".

I can't speak to what lines they would have specifically censored in those sketches, though I'm guessing they were sexual, because Dave's only line in the Mooney/Jones sketch was "did you guys just fuck in my dressing room?!"

Ruth Bader Ginsburg yelling at Pence for getting a half chub at Magnum P.I. once and taking it out on the LGBT community ever since was particularly great.

Also Coloring Book may be my favorite album of the year. Othes have impressed my more artistically (Blonde, Lemonade, Skeleton Tree), but none have become a part of my life as much as that.

I'd put CBB at a 4 out of 5 this week. Also relistening to the Fourvel, Farts & Pro and Oh Hello eps really helped pick me up on this profoundly shitty week (tho I skipped F&P 4, cus I don't need to cry more than I already have been.)

What'd you think of SNL? I've heard mixed responses so far. I thought it was kind of sloppy, but still pretty terrific.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

And they never would have called the whole thing rigged (which it kind of actually was. Fucking electoral college.)

And my minority friends who spent the whole morning crying wednesday, and then felt the need to protest to show they won't be unheard in an America lead by an unapolegetic racist? They're just being unfair babies who can't accept the choice made by the American people (even though more of them voted Clinton).

We have to unify. Sure we have our differences. One side is trying to live their lives in peace without being bombarded with hatred. The other side is so hateful they caused Trans suicide to skyrocket over the last few days. How are we not unifying yet?

My Puerto Rican friend was yelled at by a stranger he was going to get deported soon. He was born here.

It's honestly a list The Onion could have made in an article 6 months ago, and we all would have found it hilarious. Now, it's fucking terryifying.

I demand. So that's one, at least.

I understand that, but I found "American Fung" to be almost unwatchable, and, for me at least, the worst episode the show has ever done.

Agreed. Plus, the parade of Rogers was just fantastic.

That is a great one, though I should have clarified I meant best episodes of the TBS seasons.