
Which actually is a great episode.

"It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?!"

It seemed a bit like Che's interjection messed him up and he flubbed the delivery.

Yea, I'm really bummed that once they finally got pretty good again with EWBAITE and White Album they dropped these two turds of singles.

I would say Weezer have at least 4 good albums in their discography and that every album, no matter how bad, has at least one great song on it.

Yeah, I don't think I've heard anyone say "chillax" for like, 15 years.

Everything Will Be Alright In The End is really good, too.

Starts tending lawn; building porch to make sure kids stay off it.

I think it really speaks to my lack of social life that I'm in my early twenties and get it.

Scrubs I get. That show was unwatchable for a while. Though it did redeem itself with it's final season, which was great. (But then it had that weird half spinoff, half final season that was genuinely awful and way worse than even the worst of the show before.)

Logic's not really big enough for that joke to work, or obscure enough for it to be cool they put him in the show. He's just an average rapper (with one or two genuinely great songs) with a surprisingly dedicated internet following.

"Community got unwatchable for me"

The Israel joke made me laugh so hard I had to pause the TV so I wouldn't miss anything.

1. Me. I mean, it was pretty funny, so why not?

#Don'tcancelJost #he'sdoingfine #habeathimtoit

The dueling dinosaur songs was one of the few moments to make me audibly laugh.

I really enjoyed it when I watched it 3 years ago and yet I have no desire to ever see it again.

Probabky because most people binged it all in a day, and it's hard to remember what happened in individual episodes so they don't feel much reason to comment.

The scene where McKinley quietly plans how he and Ben will dispose of the nanny's body was the hardest I laughed the whole season.

The Coop/Katie/Ginny and Mark/Claire/JJ subplots were both easily my least favorite parts of this season.