
It's in no way depressing that I can still do all the words to "White and Nerdy".
("Amish Paradise", too)

Ah. I assume that's why he was afraid to read the comments, then. Even though no one has said anything negative yet.

It also doesn't help his skills as a critic (even as a rap critic) when you realize he knows almost nothing of music besides rap (and strangely enough, opera/musicals).

That can be an issue, yeah. He tends to like guys like Hopsin that just make me groan while seemingly being resistant to anyone doing new things with the genre. I mean, we both love Kendrick Lamar, but who doesn't these days?

Same exact thinking with RC, among other reasons. One of which being his pretentious levels reaching 17 year old atheist at times.

He also sometimes seems like one of the only guys on there that can make a reference older than 5 years. (Which is of course very deliberate on his part).

I just checked his Twitter to see if he saw this, and he did, claiming "The A.V. Club is really going downhill" and "I don't even dare read the comments." Someone also tweeted the thing you said about his dog to him.

Literally one of only 3 TGWTG producers I don't find either find boring or obnoxious (I also love Brad Jones and Lindsay Ellis. Lupa and Phelous are alright as well.)

On the other hand, I probably wouldn't go to these lengths to defend him if I wasn't such a big fan of his.

From what I've heard that rumor is false, however he has been a little creepy towards female comics. Honestly, in Jen Kirkman's thing she wrote a little later it seemed more like he just thought she was into him and she wasn't, and couldn't take the hint. Which, yeah is creepy and bad, but not "whipping out your dick

Yeah. This guy can make some great stuff, but this was not it at all. Just a fucking slog to get through, with maybe only 2 genuinely good songs.

What I would give to be the man whos boned both JLD and Christina Hendricks, even fictionally.

Weirdly Ultra Light Beam is the best track on both albums.

I love TJ Miller. I mean, his Twitter can be kind of a shitshow, but the guy's still really funny.

At the same time now with Schumer's success, site's like Entertainment Weekly who would have ignored the show a couple of years ago will be praising the "daring" premiere.

Hahaha so good but for real fuck off.

Yeah, working on a movie between seasons, then doing the press junket for that movie, having it becoming a hit and propelling you into A-list status and becoming a sort of new face of feminism is a lot for someone to do, and then to have to go off and write a new season in a couple of months, it's no surprise this

Yeah, this to me is probably the high mark of Kimmy Schmidt so far.

And Garry Shandling, too. Goddammit.

You like Paul McCartney? Dead! Tom Hanks? Dead! Donald Trump? Gonna live another 50 years!