

Then I could have followed up with an underrated (but still often utilized) AVC method of just straight up being a dick about it.

That's true, but if you take the snarky criticism away from A.V. Club comments the whole foundation collapses.

This is me pacing myself. I HAVE A PROBLEM!

Yeah, I could buy not knowing who Robert Durst is, but it's so clearly a caricature that if I didn't, I'd look it up to know who's being mocked.

Is it sad I'm on episode 8 already? Don't answer - I know it is.

What, uh… what do you like, if I may ask?


John Oliver makes the wage gap HIS BITCH!

Not to meantiom Keanu Reeves.

Fun fact about The Life of David Gale: It was the first screenplay by Charles Randolph, who was inspired to become a screenwriter after a a chance encounter he had with the Farrelly Brothers. Today, he's an Academy Award winning screenwriter.

Dear God, who would be?

"Fans and critics alike derided the ending of True Detective season one," Is an A- from the A.V. Club and an A community grade qualify for "universal derision"?

To be in someone’s mind. To have complete control. It’s like the thrill of being near the executioner’s switch. Knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will…but you could, never isn’t the right word, because I could…and I might…I probably will.

Freddy Got Fingered is way too interestingly terrible to turn off.


I thought Efron was the one woth the most fuckable face. Wait, I mean body. Wait, I may have misread your last post entirely.

I'm bingeing through the show and am on season 3- Winston and Cece being someone's favorites confuses me. Do they become much better in the upcoming seasons?

Just been said to be a "medical emergency", meaning maybe a stroke or heart attack.

Beema, how many things do you like at this point? 3?