
It just seems too much to me like he's trying to impress every one. Which, if he wanted to do that, he could just show off his surprisingly legitimately great singing voice:

Because they force people who have an account to watch their shittier content? How rude!

I used to like his stuff a lot more before he left, since he's come back I'll still watch him from time to time and it ranges from pretty good to awful, but even at his best now he just feels like he's trying too hard. I much prefer Toddintheshadows & The Cinema Snob.

If I had to guess anything about this movie based on my previous experiences with movies about aging stand ups with Leslie Mann in a co-starring role and where the lead actor, who hasn't been in anything good in a while, goes out to perform stand up in front of real crowds, it'll be about an hour and a half too long.

I mean it's hard for me to put into words what I find funny about someone but I'll try to give some reasons why I like him: 1. He's just DELIGHTFUL; 2. Strong character work; 3. His references are on point; 4. He's quick on his feet; 5. He's very good at descriptive humor; 6. He can be very self-deprecating and also

"All of the best television can be found on the main 3 networks! And mostly CBS at that."

Reposted Mancy comments: "I may rape, but at least I don't rap! With the hipping and hopping and bipping and bopping and kids, here's your uncle, a jazz musician!"

You missed the part where I blew my fucking brains out.

I say if they're under 18 you need to grade them on how douchy they look before you let them in. When I was under 18 I still knew to shut the fuck up during the movie, but I knew shitty kids that would yell at the screen and shit, and you could tell they would by the type of kid they were.

The Sopranos did that before Breaking Bad even, if you take the sentence "He can still feel duty to family and friends" and add "and animals and strippers that remind him of his daughter."

I haven't seen any hacks do a sketch as biting as her Call of Duty one. But, even if you do think that, which is fine, I wasn't really talking about people not finding her funny, just the prudishness some people have with women talking about sex.

How dare this woman address her naughty bits! Next thing you know we'll be letting our films have homosexual characters!

Seriously. I like Apatow but he needs to hire some fucking good editors for his next movie. The guy's shortest movie is The 40 Year Old Virgin, which creeps in at just under 2 hours.

Man, can you imagine a world where some people like a celebrity and some don't, and everyone could just acknowledge this and move on with their fucking lives? Wouldn't that be crazy?!

I at least don't mind it when a lesser known artist like Staples is the one complaining. When someone like Taylor Swift or Jay-Z speaks out against them, it's like "motherfucker you're loaded."

I would say it's something to work on. I'm a little on the plus side, but I do pretty well for myself (cries into pillow girlfriend.)

Not sure if I'll watch this whole show, but I'm definitely going to check this out. Lauren Lapkus is one of the 5 funniest people on the planet in my opinion. (The other four, incidentally: Amy Poehler, Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Daly & Louis CK)

"I took it as evidence that I was disgusting and not fit to date." Jesus. You ever think maybe these self-hating "woe-is-me"isms are more off-putting to any potential dates than your actual body?

I love Middleditch's off mic "Oh my goodness" at that line.

I remember being surprised realizing after seeing Hamilton that I had seen Lin Manuel Miranda years before in a CollegeHumor video.