
It is indeed a line from her show.

That makes sense. Amy's one of the funniest people alive, but Amy is also still great. (People should have no trouble figuring out which Amy is which.)


Tonight's the Bronco chase, which should be good.

No doubt this is a great album, but I've always felt the first disc is so much stronger than the second, despite the second having some great tracks. Though that may be true of all double albums, come to think of it.

Step Brothers is criminally underrated and the best Ferrel movie. The scene where Richard Jenkins talks about wanting to be a dinosaur is one of the funniest things ever.

"Start whenever you're ready."

That moment is so great even Doug Benson is hilarious during it. Also, I try to work "I don't win everything I'm nominated for, like when I was nominated for the Oscar" into a surprising amount of conversations.

I was thinking recently that, even with my love of UTU2TM, Adam Scott still would be one of my favorite actors. He's a perfect straight man, and also great at playing an absolute douche.

I could see that. I still laughed enough that I thought it was a really solid ep. And no matter what it'll probably pop up on the 2016 best ofs.

Exactly. I have friends who don't like football or whatever, they either didn't watch it and made no mention of it, or watched it 'cus "why not, over 100 million people are." I don't go to Transformers movies going "excuse me which one is the big blue one lol".

Until today's.

Best (period) Subset (period) Ever (period)Not Jeff Daniels

Well, a specific subset of the youth.

That's because it's A.A. "Debbie Downer" Dowd reviewing it.

How could someone hate Zoolander? It's so hot right now!

We all know Ol' Sourpuss will have none of this "funk" nonsense!

Well, I would add Blazzing Saddles & Walk Hard, but other than that strong choices.

I haven't watched much of Wilmore's show-is it really that good? Last time I saw it was when he had those two dumbos talk to Bill Nye about water on Mars.

"I guarantee you if we let it play out there's a 'That's a good song!'"