
What was great about that was that it wasn't a minor break, she literally forgot she was playing a character for a second.

Almost Famous is one of my favorite movies, and Cameron Crowe's career since it has been a serious downer.

I mean, I wouldn't say it's Oscar worthy, but I definitely prefer Shrek over A Beautiful Mind.

Moulin Rouge?

Jesus Christ, and that won Best Adapted Screenplay. Over Fellowship of the Ring, too.

Also after today's ep (horray for Weird Al!) I totally want to hear U Talkin' Bruce Springsteen 2 Me?

I lost it in that episode when it was revealed Scott's ringtone actually is him & PFT doing the Cantina theme.


That's what happened with me & Tina.

I don't mind Christmas In the Car (at least, that's how I remember it, I haven't seen it since it aired) but I fucking hated Meet the Parents, and can't believe all the love it gets. (To be fair, I do remember laughing really hard when Stiller pops the cork of a champagne bottle and break the vase with De Niro's mom's

Is he a Star Wars/Friends mashup?

"Apple Pie" was one of my favorite tracks from last year.


I was going to say, Eminem at least writes his own lyrics. And has flow.

You ever wonder if it's worth it staying up each week for this?

Really? I kind of…didn't like that song. Like at all. And the follow up song the kid who made it did ("Marvin Gaye") is one of the lamest songs I've ever heard.

To be honest, from someone who dabbles in this world, it's not even really an impressive rap. I mean, from Nicki it is, because it's interesting lyrically and she brings a lot of personality to it, but it's not very hard to actually learn.

I liked 2 a lot more than most people. It's at least trying to do something new with the character, even if it doesn't always work.

Sidenote: Just how much money do we think Frank had in 2006? I imagine it's pretty much the same now, since the money Frank saves living in Charlie's shitty apartment is blown on financing elaborate schemes.

Mac or Charlie.