
Frank gradually revealing there was no scenario where he doesn't eat the cat food was the hardest I've laughed so far in 2016. It blows my mind how good this show is 11 years in.

I haven't been to England in a long, but at one point lived there for several months. Isn't Dave just panel shows and sitcom re-runs? Or am I thinking of something else.

Shit, I forgot she was even in The Phantom Menace.

Are they? Fifty Shades getting nominated is blah, but if Fury Road picked up some Oscar noms, that would genuinely interest me.

Speaking of Kevins, no nominations for Kevin Hart, despite appearing in both The Wedding Ringer & Get Hard? I get that the Razzies are pointless and lazy, but still.

Or when they nominated (and I think gave it to) Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes for War of the Worlds and Batman Begins, despite the fact that neither of them were actually that bad in those particular movies. Also, never forget the nominated Stanley Kubrick for Worst Director for The Shining. That wasn't a lazy joke, but

You think any of them actually watched the movie?

Yeah there was a period of time where they nominated everything Stallone was in. I was around at the time so I can't judge, but it does seem strange to me considering how much I see most of it as dumb fun (Cliffhanger, Rambo 2/3, Rocky IV). I do get the noms for stuff like Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot, though.

Really if anyone should play John Lennon though it should be Mike Hanford.

Is it because I'm smelly? (Smells self) Awwwwww.

Yeah, that got me too.

"Why does it has a vein?"

Aw, Mr. fancy pants professor over here. Whadda we to ya, dummies?

Hopefully they can find a lumberjack costume for Don Cheadle for the finale.

On Blowtime?

And Benny Schwa.

I really thought Quentin Tarantino was going to say "I was so excited to see Prometheus…and it was so disappointing!"

It's almost like changing nights mid season is a sure fire way to lose viewers! Of course that doesn't make any sense, it worked for The Big Bang Theory, and… so of course TV networks should keep doing it!

It is amazing to me how much I love Seth's voice acting on that show. Shows how good he can be when he's just an actor, and not a writer.

You're friends with Paul Lindt?