
I'm only at four. It's been a busy year.

Road Chip could be a dark horse for your film of the year.

An R-rated comedy with advertisement that makes it look shitty? Well, I never!

"Wide arms wide open…is…terrible" - also true.

II & IV definitely outrank V.

Go to bed, Beema. I promise you'll feel better in the morning. Maybe eat some cereal. Remember this just is a list of some stuff some people enjoyed.

Yeah they liked a movie almost everyone else liked as well, but you disliked, so fuck them!

I also have only gotten to listen to about that much, but I also loved that image, as well as the one of Ringo shoving a bass guitar up John Lennon's ass.

Speaking of that final shot, am I the only one totally down for a spinoff where Clara & Maisie Williams travel through time?

Also I loved this. It felt like a RTD finale that wasn't a total clusterfuck.

"Summer can't last forever." "Oh course it can." - The Doctor = Mabel Pines?

I can't believe the show's only gotten one A this season, when it's had "Smokers Allowed" and now this.

I though that said Michael Cimino for a sec, and was confused on why the director of The Deer Hunter would write a book on cell phone etiquette… from the point of view of a mom.

I love a lot of Chicago artists, movies & improv. Not so big on the widespread homicides.

I really love young Radcliffe asking for his "prophylactic" back without even knowing how to pronounce it.

I was disappointed when he called the Ahmed clock thing a "hoax."

That's like saying all Led Zeppelin songs should be "Stairway To Heaven". Isn't that asking a little much?

David said in an interview they'd like to do more, but with their schedules it will be a while until they both free long enough to work on this.

"All I Need" has been stuck in my head all week. A real classic Mr. Show song.

"Bowling" is a mini-masterpiece.