
I'm guessing it's a one season show that went disastrously wrong, and is probably the reason BoJack never did anything else.

My top 15 of the year so far would probably go:

Ahh I forgot about the post-credits scene! Gotta head back to the DVR.

Unless Dan Harmon uses the pseudonym Rick Berman.

Wait who did Peele play?

It's ok. After all, it isn't a Dan Harmon show without multiple timelines.

Silicon Valley had a pretty great payoff to a Schrödinger's cat joke earlier this year.

That's probably the correct answer.

I'm more in the Rick & Morty, True Detective, John Oliver & The Brink camp.


Over the Garden Wall got one, but then it was changed to an A I think.

I wonder what else he's been up to-sees he directed Smosh: The Movie- oh…oh.

"B to the O to the S to the S, listen to what he says and you'll be success…ful."

I like that Danielle Radcliffe is usually okay with making fun of himself. His appearance on Extras was also pretty great. "Can I have back my pro-proph-prophylactic, please."

Knew this would finally get the show an A. Great episode.

See, I don't know why, but even to this day I loathe that song more tgan most any other song I can think of.

"It must be a-" "-it's a long marquee."

I did.

You were under the assumption his occupation was Mall Blart.

He was good in Book of Mormon. And I don't mind Olaf. But, uh, yeah that's it. And Hollywoo really is trying too hard to make him happen.