
Well Woody Allen would eat Kosher Stew everyday with me when we both short story professors at SUNY Yonkers.

(Joke) SPOILER ALERT: I fell completely in love with Ellie Kemper the second she did the MTV Raps intro in one of the later episodes. The way she doesn't even know what happened afterwards, too, like the dean after his payday rap, is just amazing.

Anyone else notice this plot was a lot like "Blind Date", the third episode of 30 Rock?

I'd agree with that being the only real problem. Though having her melt down in front of the rich guy who dated Kimmy was pretty great. Also, I'd say the most impressive thing about this season is that in 13 episodes it only really delivered one I'd consider below average (and that's only because I find Martin Short

If that made you queasy I can't imagine what you thought when they had Kimmy unknowingly jerk a guy off in this episode.


"See I did a little double-entendre there…"

The A.V. Club
I can't even tell anymore

It's 2015, Anthony. We call him Donald Glover.

It’s like the thrill of being near the executioner’s switch. Knowing that at any moment, you could throw it, but knowing you never will…but you could, never isn’t the right word, because I could…and I might…I probably will.

Cloned him, but took away the underlying lack of self confidence in Jean-Ralphio, and replaced it with an insane amount of overconfidence.

From God's old rotary telephone.

I agree RIP Harris, but let's not blame his ex-girlfriend entirely for what was mostly his own personal demons.

Chelsea: "My dentist said my mouth is incredibly clean."
Harris: "Did he then say, 'well, let's dirty it up'?"

Uh, nope, that's how you spell "balloons".

And Jennifer Lawrence… fucks… a lot…!

Her telling practicing with Rogen to be cool when telling the kids to keep it down, only to blurt it out mid-sentence when they actually do talk to them, is easily funniest moment of the first movie.

Also the fact that the frat could have killed the baby with that airbag prank.

I'll be honest, if wo made a pun, I don't get it.

They're building it up so much to the point that if it's just a clip show, that would be the funniest thing they could do.