
Nice. I've been disappointed by how the show's been the last 10 or so years, it's nice to know this movie pulled a Simpsons Movie and was able to recapture some of that old magic.

I would say I think you've really been underating this season, but that's always kind of been the case for Sunny on this site for me. This means the tradition will carry on when an episode later this season that I think is just OK will get an A or A-. Same thing happens on this site with SP for me (though the only

I gotta say this season has been a lot better than the last season so far.

You either haven't heard "Rude Boy" or are wrong. Or you don't like it. Which is fine. But I do like that song.

Also I doubt D'Angelo's band gets back on the bus and goes, "ha! Look how white that guy is! Let's exclude him forever!"

Molly Shannon was never a Ghostbuster, though.

Simpsons reference?

I liked him in the first couple of Shreks.

Too immature? If you can laugh at "this is the remix addition/ to a song about pissin'" then you need to get a stick out of your ass.

I had the exact same thought about the exact same show.

That's because sex with her is off limits.
"Anxie, why don't you ever want to sleep with me, honey?"
"You want me to put my dingaling in your fairy cave, ARE YOU MAD WOMAN?!"

Yeah like at least Kanye never claimed to be bigger than Jesus. Oh wait, it was the name of his second album.

Speaking of Paul McCartney, he always reminds me that Kanye's got no bigger an ego than Lennon did at his worst.

This is most unorthodox!

Well yeah, but the second highest is The Hangover II.

…Do you not?

"Weezy F Baby, and the F is for fantastic fiscal year"

I get the shit Seth gets because of modern day Family Guy & his western, but I am the only one who thought that despite some lame reference humor, Ted was actually a pretty damn funny (though pretty damn inconsistent) movie? Also, American Dad. Everyone knows that show fucking rules.

I would say it beats out Schumer, though that show's biggest hits (Sexting, the COD one) are better than Kroll's ever been.

I just started watching this show recentley, and just finished the second season, and I felt I needed to go somewhere and praise it for evolving so quickly into something so funny & fresh. I especially feel it should be praised that by the end of the second season there are no real weak links in the ensemble of