
I've definitely been seeing that as the season progresses. By the way, what with it back on air, have you (or anyone else at AVC) thought about doing classic coverage of the show's first season?

And Aziz Ansari.

Haven't seen the Palm Springs episode yet.

I'm halfway through the first season, and while I think it took a couple of episodes to get there, I'm definitely starting to see what makes it so special.

Except for the shit can that was the premiere.

Maybe it's because I love these characters so much, or because I'm in a killer mood because I've just had the best day, but I fucking loved this.

Ok, just saw the end tag/promo, and that may be a groaner. But Nick Frost!

Quiet, you!

"Clark Oblog: The Improbable Boy."

Christmas carol with Tennant as the Ghost of Christmas past? Because I'd watch the shit out of that.

This was a good episode, but I just wish they hadn't baited us into thinking was a full on Master story. Yeah, Moffat really Master-baited us with this one (Sorry. I'm so sorry.)

Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.

My first movie since Gone Girl! Yeah…that's not very impressive. :(

Toy Story 4: Pixar would really like to have another crotically acclaimed movie.

It's no "Cooperative Calligraphy." I know no one asked, and Community references here are a dime a dozen, but if I didn't say it, someone else would.

Like Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game or the guy who plays Stephen Hawking in The Theory In Everything (based on the ads, I mean.)

This movie looks "alright, alright, alright"

That's like if Tina Fey said SNL needed more female cast members, and you said "Lorne Michaels is a man, you hypocrite."

"Came on her Hampton's blouse
And in her Hampton's mouth"
Hate fucking rich white woman. There. New topic. Also, though I think All Falls Down is the better song, I think New Slaves still gets in some great, scathing lines, like "You throwing contracts at me? You know that niggas can't read!"

I put song in quotes, get it?! I don't like it, so that means it's not music!