
I liked this episode of SNL a lot more than most people: The monologue was great, "How's He Doing" was hilarious ("SHUT UP BITCH! WE'RE WATCHING SCANDAL!"), Prince fucking rocked , Jay Pharoah as Katt Williams was fun, the ISIS sketch, while not great, was at least more ballsy than SNL's been for a while, the

It's funny how much I love her now as she was my absolute least favorite character when the show first started.

This movie doesn't look as witless as the show though. I mean "Alright, all secondary characters, come with me" got a pretty huge laugh out of me.

I was trying to think of him! Those 3 are the ones I hear that about the most.

The A.V. Club

The new go to if guys don't like a guy is "he's got a smug/punchable face." I've heard mostly used on Andy Samberg and Seth Meyers.

"We've got so much ganja in our systems we could cure glaucoma by puffing in to your eyes, boo boo."

It's not like Oliver doesn't like this, he put it on the show.

Lowering the grade on a episode you didn't see of a show you don't watch because the internet hates it because it got (admittedly undeservedly) popular?

The community grades

This was the best of the season by a long shot. But unlike, say, Modern Family, which might actually make a comeback, I'm sure one of the next 3 episodes will be total shit.

"The Soup is better"-quote from the comment section of the review of the pilot of Community.

The interwebs, eh? And you're telling me this here internet doesn't like the Big Bang Theory? Tell me, if I go to a page discussing it, will at least 5 commenters make sure everyone knows they don't find Kaley Cuoco attractive, even though no one brought that up?

Oh, I'm sure the show itself itself didn't want it come off as a gimmick, but CBS doesn't really give a shit what people think as long as they watch their shit, so they lack of promos with BBT (Billy Bob Thornton, not Big Bang Theory) is weird.

I've noticed this show gets a really low community grades on here because people come in and automatically give it Fs… I totally get if people don't like the show, but coming here every week just to give an F to lower the community grade seems like a pretty lame thing to do with your time.

They might have told the audience beforehand not to cheer for pacing reasons or something. They did seem pretty excited in his first scene (even louder laughs than usual at regular material).

"Even if the womans' body is perfectly normal and natural, as Craig's mom had to repeat multiple times."

God that make a wish sketch was fucking creepy as shit… I barely finished (and I'm not talking about the sketch. Okay I was.)

Mila Kunis? Scarlet Johansson?

Let's not assume that Taylor Swift is the equivalent to guys of what Ryan Gosling is to girls, though.