
AND the show is called Backstrom! Triple fuck-up on my part!

Bud Dum Chhhh

"Coming Soon: Adam Sandler and Kevin James star in 'Class of 06'"

Beats. Bears. Battlestar Galattica. Backstorm.

MTM and Mash are the two pre-90's shows I really want to see TCC cover

Wasn't that just the Jonas Brothers?

So my great "Where the Fuck is Wallace!" puns will have to wait, it seems…

Also, kinda new here, is there a reason The Wire doesn't have Classic Coverage yet? If any show deserves it, it's the fucking Wire

Agreed! Tom and April's face when they find out Jerry has a time share in Muncie are fucking priceless.


I don't know if this is mentioned in the video, but I always loved Ron's giddy excitement for Lil' Sebastian, not to mention how sad he feels after Lil Sebastian's death ("Show some DAMN respect people") Along with Ron dancing in April's little hat in "The Fight"

Have there been TV Club Classic reviews for the Mary Tyler Moore Show? There should be.

I'd hope they have issue with slavery

I would watch an episode about a guy addicted to masturbation

Stupid monkey!

Or it was fourth. Stupid monkey!

It was the best of times, it was the FIRST of times!

I agree. Solid A.

you're kidding right?

I thought Britta was the worst.