
I've been enjoying the musical outros. It seems like they have done three or so in a row, but I don't remember them from last season or before. But to be honest, I haven't paid that much attention—just caught my eye this week. Have they done a lot of these? What do you all think?

very tightly run
One of the things that I really appreciated about this episode was how tightly controlled it was. There's a lot of danger in having characters standing around just doing exposition. It can get boring real fucking quick. That's what they were doing with this episode, but it maintained an essential

This shows feels shallow to me
I really enjoyed the references to Ground Hog Day and Die Hard. I could figure out Lt. Mauser, but I knew it was something. The pop culture aspect is fun. And Chuck and Sarah appear to have some real chemistry on screen. I can't define that, but they seem to work together.

Fuck this guy
To mirror olive yew above, I hate this guy based entirely on his picture. It doesn't hurt that his books and theories are insipid.

Happiest moment!
Let's have a lamest happy moment contest. I bet Zack wins!

Tim, that is probably exactly what they're going to do.

But people's powers come back after the Haitian goes away. So, if Sylar became immortal by poking around in Claire's brain, Peter should have become immortal by absorbing her power.


Umm, they killed Peter?
By shooting him in the chest? You don't say?

This shit was terrible. The show can be so hot and cold.

The Natural
Malamud's book sucks ass. The movie is much better. The book is all about a stupid man who is only good at baseball and how he so relies on his unbelievable talent that he fucks up his life and his team.

If Chuck's father was Vivian's fiance at the time that Chuck was born, that would mean that the man who raised her could not be Vivian and Lily's brother. So, either, the man who raised her and whom she thought was her father was not her biological father, OR the man who raised her is not the brother of Vivian and

It's a fun show.
But Olive gets one more secret at the end—that Chuck's father was Vivian's fiance at the time that Lily got pregnant. So, um, how was it that Chuck grew up with her father?

Forget the show
But this review gets an A+

A real kid would definitely be creepier, but what I liked about it was the dramatic irony in that we know that the crash that killed Shirley's husband could be both mechanical and pilot error because, maybe the pilot was mechanical.

Things to ponder
Shirley's character has a child? Whaa?

That was awesome. The economy can go to hell so long as they keep making The Office.

I also liked Day's character—a woman whose world view (in more ways than one) is so bleak that she even forces House to admit that the world isn't that bad. House being the first thing she sees after the surgery was great.

Much better than last week.
Last week I complained that the patient of the week story didn't work very well—that the mystery didn't have any action to it. This week was much better, and in the process they told us more about Kutner.

Sounds good to me, S.