
This was fucking terrible. I couldn't keep watching it. There was no sense of purpose to anything they did. It was like they brought in some writers who didn't care about the characters at all and let them move the characters around randomly like pieces on a chess board. "How can we set up k-razy!

Fair enough. After the head came through the time machine, Cromartie's body restarted and began tracking down the head.

I don't know if you're joking, but you see in the first episode, the Connors go to the bank with the time machine in it while the original, non-Garrett Dillahunt version of Cromartie chases them down. As he is breaking into the bank vault, they set off the time machine, and Sarah shoots him with the future weapon.

No. it could have been worse.

This episode is EVERYDAY FOOD, though it's trying to be COSMOPOLITAN
At least this episode didn't have the massive plot holes that last week's episode had, and we all learned that Terminators aren't buoyant. That would seem to be handy knowledge for the future.

Sorry, Space Prostitute. =(

I agree mostly with Miles here at the end. Yes, every mystery show is going to reveal the solution at the end of the episode. It's not missing the point to say that it is important how they get there. With most mysteries, L&O, CSI, and yes, Sherlock Holmes, the author/writers leave you some hints and clues along

arrgh, Let me be very, very clear so that you understand the problem.

This isn't a realism complaint, it is a TV drama complaint. Every week they undermine their premise by repeatedly telling us how brilliant the good Dr. is supposed to be, but every week, he doesn't do anything.

What does House do?
My big problem with this show is that House never does anything. He's supposed to be this brilliant doctor, but he's never the one who figures out the disease. Everyone else does the work, then he shows up in the last five minutes of every episode to throw out a different random diagnosis. House


It's a mad mad mad mad space-time continuum.
Pretty much everything Zack says is right on in terms of plotting, but I am coming to appreciate the way the dialogue takes off at odd angles. It's almost as if they're trying to conceal something from the audience, or at least to let some things go unsaid, but they don't

Yeah, but if skynet is ultimately built, then there is no point in sending robots back to make sure it gets built. Moreover, if John Connor is THE problem in the future, then skynet should send robots back in order to DELAY development. They tried to kill him before he was born in 80's (now 90s, presumably). So,

The song was rather indistinct to me. I didn't recognize it as her. Yeah, it's not metal. I didn't really know how to describe it since I didn't recognize it.

No, the opening scene was completely new. None of that was shown last season. The first season ended with the FBI assaulting Chromartie's apartment and getting slaughtered. The very final scene was Cameron walking out to the Jeep and it exploding as she turned it on. It was supposed to be a one week cliff hanger,

I liked it.
I also enjoyed most of the first season in spite of its worst aspects. Somehow they make mindless fun work. This is what Knight Rider is trying to do but such a failure at.

not a fan of this list
This one is a little esoteric. I know a lot of us commenters love fims, but I think you would really have to be a professional film critic to add anything to this.

It's a perfectly cromulent list.
that is all.

you're kind of missing the point. This guy is the embodiment of the remaining white privilege in this country. No, he's not exploiting black people, but he is famous simply because he is white. If a black comedian tried to do this, it would be hacky, as above posters have pointed out. But Mr. White People gets

Fuck this guy.
Sure at first blush, it's one more attempt to deconstruct whiteness. But really, it's just one more white guy cashing in on his whiteness.