
Spider Jerusalem
However, this guy deserves as little attention as possible. NBC's coverage of beach volleyball is fucking stupid, and I hate the repeated reference of Dalhauser's idiotic nickname.

Schrute to Kill!
Fucking hilarious. I would watch that

Men at Work?
I feel compelled to once again point out the similarities between this movie and Men at Work.

"Only depth of experience and the ability to express that opinion well."

Music Snobs
Hey Noel, so, if Men at Work turned you into a music snob, what are your views on music snobbery after being a critic for so long? This is probably one of those questions that come up regularly:

Hey Noel, I gotta ask
Is this project going to be a career killer for you? Let me explain.

Thanks, AV Club.

Killing my Friday Buzzkill Buzz
Is it just me or was this entry exceptionally long? I like it better when they're short and sweet.

12th cylon
Is clearly Tigh and Six's spawn.

I watched this movie when it came out on video back in the day, and I kind of hated it. It didn't seem to have any point.

This is the fucking problem with pilots.
"And to be honest, I have some qualms about whether the premise of this series can sustain even a limited run. But there's enough promise in the pilot to hope Swingtown gets a chance to develop—for good or for ill."

Well, I'm already at the bottom of 400 posts, but what the hell.
I didn't love this episode. I think it was because the conclusion didn't carry much emotional impact. The first season ended with some hope of getting off the island in the form of the raft. The second season ended with the destruction of the

What about freedom?
Is that ultimately what we're all searching for?

exactly. He's been a pretty worthless character until this episode.

That was definitely a great episode. I just want to mention a couple things:

I liked it. She did a good job. I was sitting there the entire episode going, "Who is that woman? How do I recognize her?" It was only after it was over that I figured it out.

Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good
I was disappointed this week, but that's ok. To me, this one felt like they were moving the pieces around without advancing the game.

Nah, Men at Work has such classic lines as "I'm not as dumb as you look," and classic scenes like two police officers tied to a merry go round so as to appear to be humping each other. I'd suggest renting it and watching it again. Or better yet, pay $20 for the DVD—that's the way to send a message to Hollywood that

Men at Work is the movie with Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez as trash men who witness a murder. It's the exact same plot. Except I bet that Men at Work is funnier than Pineapple Express.

Pineapple Express
Is this a sequel to Men at Work?