
Daryl Hall in his prime?
did you really write that?

What's the appeal of this show?
Don't get me wrong, I think it's reasonably entertaining, but it's not like it's anything special. It's about the same level as the original CSI or Law & Order. It's got a pretty standard plot that gets played out every week with few surprises.

Would end this show. That would be jumping the shark. Besides it would feature a lot of Michael and Walt, and that's never a good thing.

I'd give it an A or A-
Because I really don't have any complaints this week. Can't think of anything that was wrong with this episode. My complaint over the past couple weeks has been that they were taking Tigh, Tyrol, Tory, and Anders in strange directions that didn't work for me. But this week they corrected

didn't know that I double posted. =(

Ok, I was quoting from memory—I heard it in a way that's different from what Noel heard. In any case, the ambiguity remains in either version.

No, you are the one who is further from the truth.

The other thing about miscues is what Widmore says. He says, "You know you can't kill me, Ben." that can be interpreted as a general statement that he can't be killed. It can also mean, "Ben, you are incapable of killing me though other people can and I can still die."

Awesome episode. I feel like the last two have had to handle issues that would have been drawn out were it not for the writers strike, and both of them have done it well.

Awesome episode. I feel like the last two have had to handle issues that would have been drawn out were it not for the writers strike, and both of them have done it well.

Definite Star Wars vibe off Ben's comments to Sayid.

Australia is a loser's gambit
It doesn't provide the strength you need and it's relatively easy to cut off. You're better off defending North America and containing the Australians in South East Asia. If you keep forces there, you can keep them from holding Australia or at least force them to defend it with a

I loved the comparable joke. It was kind of a throw away, but it worked for me. Murder Train and puppies was great.

My interpretation of Tory's actions is close to number two. Specifically, I thought she was trying to protect the kid, and she came off as definitely evil. I mean it wasn't just a practical calculation on her part but rather a product of "immoral" motivations, if you will.

Really surprised
I guess I didn't catch the teaser from last week. So, I was really surprised that they killed Callie.
It's been a weird trip since they revealed the 4 new cylons.

what the hell
For so many people in that band, they don't make a lot of sound. The song on the video isn't that interesting. As far as 80's inspired sounds go, it's pretty mediocre.

Excellent point.

Another good ep.
I was waiting for them to had Starbuck a ship and send her on her way. That's a pretty simple solution.

Great episode. But I'm a BSG nerd. When I was younger, I loved ST: TNG, and now I'm getting my fix from this. I don't even care.

Oh Please No
Can't they leave well enough alone?