
I thought this was the best ep of the season so far. It was the most coherent, at least. I've been disappointed with the season.

This shit is terrible!

Todd, how many shows did they put you on? Is this some sort of new guy hazing? Or did everyone else at the AV Club just completely give up on television?

best line
"I'm supposed to have a rock fight with this crazy guy."

Kurt is definitely the only gay in the village.

Did you see that study that showed that twitter is primarily used by people in their 30s and 40s? It's not a thing the kids are doing, by and large . . .

Yeah, I'm done
I watched the first couple episodes and thought they were ok, but the last two have completely lost me, to the point that I've changed the channel. I know it's not entirely fair to say something without watching the whole show, but a lot of what's happened so far feels pretty flat, and that's an odd

Ok, it was Zack who said the office was too much about humiliation. Here's the exchange:
6:59Todd VanDerWerff: I chose The Office barely over HIMYM. I seem to be alone in thinking HIMYM's best season was its fourth season.
6:59Zack Handlen: I'm pretty sure the Office should win, but I can't watch it. So, 30

Uh, what?
How can you all possibly like this show? It's terrible. The stereotypes are horrendous, and the performances are nothing to get excited about. The jokes are obvious.

"at the end of the day, nobody's forcing anyone to borrow waaaaay beyond their means"

Is it really fair to compare a feature film to a radio program. Not just that, but to judge the film by the program? That seems like an odd comparison to me—kind of like saying, "The book was better."

What are they making fun of?
This show is not funny because it's not clear what they're making fun of. The Office is essentially the same show, shot in the same way, tells jokes similarly, but we all understand the sheer absurdity of stupid bosses, insane coworkers, sensitivity training, and the daily life of a

Really? I think I saw one episode of Homicide. I know it was a well regarded show, but it just never seemed that sophisticated—just didn't hook me.

i would have liked to have seen that. I enjoyed the sheer insanity of that movie.

End of the ep
I thought this was mildly interesting. Good to see C. Thomas Howell can find work without doing black face. It was decent, but it gave a lot of easy answers. Does anyone think that cops actually see themselves as avenging angles who cherish the opportunity to gun down gangbangers? That was a little

I disagree with that. The scene with tyra and her mom played well, but that was the best scene in this ep. Mr. McCoy is poorly played overall, and I think it's the actor's fault. I get that he's supposed to be this stage dad, but the guy playing him takes the anger too far too quickly. The early scene in the

Buddy Garrity
It felt like they were going out of their way to turn Buddy Garrity into Buck Strickland. Not that I'm complaining as I thought Garrity's continued downfall was hilarious.

Frustrated with the show
Does Riggins ever go to class? How does the dude just wind up in NYC for a few days? That was among the most implausible aspects of the story.

That's a pretty great pick.
Excellent song from the Lips. It's funny how proud oklahomans are of them, but they have every reason to be. Do you realize?? is one of my favorite Flaming Lips songs.

Something that shouldn't happen
Last week we had Saracen giving Coach a big speech about how he was going to stay on the team, but Coach was going to hate every minute of it.