
or under it

I am convinced any sentence where Terry refers to himself in the third person is going to be automatic comedy gold.

I went to college by Paterson. I would see this to see how accurate their portray of Paterson as a terrible place is.

What the?

That's the duck!

Wasn't there some NBC comedy series that did this exact thing?

I watched some episodes I could find online and is it me, or does the animation switch from slightly choppy to really fluid? Within seconds of itself. I guess that could be intentional given the static nature of comic books.

I'm not 100% sold on an entire celebrity cast (except for whoever does Donald Duck). I mean, if this were, say, a Ducktales movie, I'd get it more because that's how animated films are these days. But what kid is gonna be like "Wow, Dani Pudi! I have to check this out!"

2016, doest thy fury has't no end?

Please don't let them put Goldie Hawn in a bikini with tattoos like on Laugh In.

I have what I consider to be an unpopular opinion on that "diversity" thing:

Maybe this time, they can do it with a wacky gimmick, like they're all cavemen with talking appliances.

(you mean Alice)

They covered it here in one of the One Season Wonder articles.

I was going to write the same thing

It's a comedy show, so while character and plot are still important, if it's not funny, then it is 100% not doing its job.

The whole caroling subplot was a little "meh." But I laughed a lot during the episode.

You are not able to drag Instagram pics to your desktop on the web version.

I'm almost positive they film a performance of every Broadway play/show for archival purposes and are kept at the NPYL for the Performing Arts. Not to the degree of the Shrek the Musical release, I'm sure.

I noticed them cutting away from Kristin's bow too; not sure what they were thinking.