
I'm gettin' mad 21 Jump Street vibes from this.

Americans are killers. Mexicans are killers. Muslims are killers.

Wow. What a surprising ending. I wish she'd try to lean more toward mental cleansing instead of revenge, but that's Rebecca Bunch for ya'.

I forget where, but I think in an interview she says that it's a "sickness" that she inflicts on the others.

The header image cracked me up.

I had no desire to see this, but the premise (child born on another planet deals with the conditions of Earth) isn't that bad.

I gotta say, the VHS-style quality on that Horsin' Around clip is 100% accurate.

It took me a sec to get the ending about them not knowing the Bruce/Batman connection. Does Bruce intend to put things on the market or is the company just a front for him to get new gadgets?

Because he's not funny.

How about those clowns in Congress? What a bunch of clowns.

Back in my day, SpongeBob was a funny cartoon progrum.


Is it me, or are the episodes even shorter this season?

I literally saw none of that coming. I thought the whole "this is really the bad place" thing was an act, but wow.

How can a thimble own real estate?

Pretty much got exactly what I expected and it was enjoyable enough.

Anna Kendrick is my celebrity crush.

The insurance premiums will be through the roof!

I'm assuming in the future, pop culture history books about the era in media will just be photocopies of previous decades.

I laughed at a lot of things in these episodes, but that is the only line I remember.