
I dunno. I was kind of bored during this. I was used to how the movie musical worked, so there was a lot of adjusting.

I totally forgot about Carol King playing one of her own songs and being dismissed about it. That was dumb.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that show come about around the time South Park became a hit, so networks were looking for their own animated sitcoms (Dilbert, Mission Hill, God, the Devil & Bob, etc.)? It's no shock it didn't last long.

My one takeaway from this election season is that I intend to rile conservatives by calling everything the "liberal media," regardless of where it comes from.

Grilling her would've been therapeutic and I'm sure he's done so in a segment on her. But she is his guest and it's unprofessional to just rag on her to her face.

I remember we watched this in 6th grade for some reason and once Culkin's character died, I had tears streaming down my face for the entire rest of the film. I missed part of the ending because I went out for some tissues

Most importantly, where was Drella

I swear, I said to my friend on Wed. that I wanted the series to end with Rory getting pregnant and starting the cycle over again.

Yeah, that Mr. Kim thing was 100% pointless.

For me, it's "Friends." I liked it a lot as I went through it a few years ago, but I can't go back through it because of what became of the characters. Rachael improved, but everyone else got way too intolerable (i.e. every time Ross is on-screen, bring up his three divorces! HAAHAHA!) And Joey, way way way too dumb.

I was sold from the moment Hold said "MarshEDmallow."

That was probably better than both Cars films combined.

Um, except for all the others animated before her?

It also has the Mickey Mouse "Prince and the Pauper" attached to it, which is really good.

A little behind here, but I heard the "Love Triangle" song before seeing this episode and I totally got a Carol Channing vibe from her vocals. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed!

That's a paddlin'.

I prefer "Barn in the USA"

Make it stop.

I love him on 3rd Rock; he was born to play Dick.

"I happen to know that every word in your book was published years ago! Perhaps you've read…THE DICTIONARY!"