
I think it's naive to assume that the cable company doesn't know what channel the box is on. Obviously they can't tell if the TV's on, but I can think of some techniques to develop a pretty good idea if someone's actually watching.

No, plot-wise, Oliver was screwed either way. If he let him go, he's a mole; if he leaves him tied up, he was the nicest, most innocent man on earth, who actually could have built a helicopter out of wood and gotten them off the island, but the mercenaries tortured him to death like five minutes later. (I think my

Layers: as a great character on TV, yes. As an archetype for people to use to describe themselves, no.

Mel is just as sarcastic as Sasha, and, when she thinks nobody's looking, Sasha is just as sincere as Boo. I mean, you put "sincere" and "naive" in one and "scared" in the other as if they were distinguishable in this context.

To be fair, if you cross Mel and Boo, don't you get Sasha? And Sasha and Boo (or Mel and two Boos) makes Ginny. And then you can work those equations backwards. So I don't know how fair it is to call yourself "crosses."

Logan was the only guy Rory every dated who actually had stuff going on independent of her. His being actually an equal to her came off like he was a massive asshole, but he didn't really do much to earn that. Much.


Cozette's genuinely NICE to everyone, though. Who cares if she's pretentious? I mean, maybe you smile at her, roll your eyes when she's gone, and don't make her your best friend ever, but if you're actively hating her, you're in the wrong. And Ginny is in the wrong, for identifiable, sad, and understandable reasons,

ABC Family is where I watched most of Gilmore Girls, Greek was fantastic, Make It Or Break It was also great, I feel like I'm forgetting one, and Bunheads is my favorite show on TV now that Ben and Kate's been cancelled (might have been before, I couldn't decide).

It was a drinking joke, and I'm not aware of "turning into a puddle" having any sexual connotation.

Yes. A day still lasts a day even if you don't know that's how long it is. Measuring something does not create it.

Look, I don't believe any of that garbage, but that's stupid. Light and/or the sun don't create time. The amount of time it takes for the Earth to turn around would still be that amount of time, even if it happened in a universe without light (ignoring gravity's interaction with time, which I don't pretend to

She also felt remorse after doing that to Godot, and none after doing that to Charlie's ex-girlfriend.

Babylon 5 was smart, and absolutely nothing else, as the acting, dialogue, production values, and episodic plots were an embarrassment to humanity.

Down here in Portland, it rains less in the summer than it did in Detroit, where I grew up.

I thought what Stefan said was totally reasonable: "Oh, you had a bad time? Shit, I'm sorry. If you had a bad time I must have done a bad job. Why did I do a bad job? Well, it's not something I ever claimed to be good at, but again, sorry for the bad time."

I don't think I laughed at anything on tv LAST YEAR as hard as I laughed at the first time she said "It's time to dance!"

Critics, at least here, loved Huge too. You probably don't remember that because of how quickly it got cancelled.

Am I wrong, or does this show get right the only thing you can't fix midway through the first season — the actors are all charismatic and fun, and any one of them seems like they could handle as much attention as whatever the plot ends up being requires of them. I mean, Lola from Gossip Girl KILLED it as a snarky

We have seen so many people go home or get criticized for serving ingredients they knew were bad, yet I don't think anyone has ever completely ditched their protein and explained it had gone bad. That makes me think there's a producer in the kitchen strongly advising them to put something on the plate.